Last night, several of the churches of Siouxland (the general term for Sioux City, South Sioux City, NE and North Sioux City, SD) came together for a time of prayer for our nation. There were two Baptist pastors involved, three Assemblies of God, a Lutheran church and a couple of Reformed fellowships. Each of us had five minutes to introduce a topic related to our national plight, lead in prayer, then give those involved time to prayer in small groups about the issue. Before I get to my point, some observations: 1) I really enjoy doing things like this and I believe that God is … [Read more...] about 9/11, 2 Chronicles 7:14, and Prayers for Revival
Remembering One Very Bad Day
SBC Voices Sports Trash-Talk Forum: September 10 and 11
Same rules as last week, folks. We need MORE people trashing the SEC, though. … [Read more...] about SBC Voices Sports Trash-Talk Forum: September 10 and 11
Open Thread: How Should Churches and Christians Commemorate 9/11?
Ten years ago the unthinkable happened - our homeland was attacked. This year, September 11 is a Sunday and so it is natural that there would be questions about what churches should do to commemorate this event. Nothing? Patriotic Services? Prayer Times? 1) Tell us about what your church is doing. 2) Tell us what you think churches should or should not be doing. 3) Discuss the Christian's response to Islam and to Muslims. We've had a couple of good posts on the issue the last couple of days. Somehow, we need to stand as a nation against Islamic terrorism while also loving … [Read more...] about Open Thread: How Should Churches and Christians Commemorate 9/11?
It’s Time to Retire the KJV
The KJV is celebrating its 400th birthday this year and it has served the church of Jesus Christ well over those years. Its time for the church to offer the KJV a gold watch, shake its hand, and let it fade into history. Andrew Wencl, at sbcIMPACT posted an article today which facetiously (I think) suggested a resolution for the 2012 SBC Annual Meeting calling us to state that it is not an acceptable translation for use in Christian churches today - as per previous resolutions concerning the TNIV and NIV. He is on to something. It is time for serious Bible students and people in the pews to … [Read more...] about It’s Time to Retire the KJV
Blair Wingo – “Allow Me to Reintroduce the Christ”
Legalism, Antinomianism and Why We Disagree (Brick Walls, Picket Fences 14)
Here’s a difficult question. Why would two people saved by the same death of the same Jesus, indwelled by the same Holy Spirit reading the same Bible come up with such different opinions on so many issues? This quandary is used as evidence against the authority or the efficacy of Scripture as a moral and spiritual guide. “Even Christians don’t agree what the Bible says about so many things, how can we act as if it is some kind of authoritative word from God?” It is not a question we should easily dismiss. The simple fact is that there is only a small amount of doctrine on which all … [Read more...] about Legalism, Antinomianism and Why We Disagree (Brick Walls, Picket Fences 14)
SBC Voices Sports Trash-Talk Forum 9/3/11
Preachers like to talk smack about sports. So, here it is. I only ask that we observe a few basic rules of Christian dignity. 1) No trashing the Yankees. Such wickedness is not permitted. Saying nice things about the Boston Devil Sox is considered under the same rule. 2) SEC fans should show some humility - schools like those in the Big-10 spend our money providing an education for our students and so we are not able to pay our football players as you do yours. It is difficult for amateur conferences made up of students who actually attend class to be forced to compete with … [Read more...] about SBC Voices Sports Trash-Talk Forum 9/3/11
Things I Stole from Worley’s Facebook: Invite Videos
Vol put the second video up on Facebook, and I decided to share all three with you. Here's the second one (and perhaps my favorite): And one more: Now, go invite someone to church! … [Read more...] about Things I Stole from Worley’s Facebook: Invite Videos
Romans 14 and Personal Space: I Have a Lord; You Aren’t Him! (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 13)
This post is a continuation of the discussion of Personal Space truth that is found here. There will be parts of this post that will not make sense unless you have read the previous entry in the series. In Romans 14, Paul tells us that there are disputable issues on which conscientious Christians can disagree. Each of us answer to our Lord and it is a serious offense against the Cross of Christ for us to try to assume lordship over one another on these disputable issues. In this post, we will look at Paul's clear teaching in Romans 14. An Examination of Romans 14 Paul, in verse 1, … [Read more...] about Romans 14 and Personal Space: I Have a Lord; You Aren’t Him! (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 13)