On a hill far away stood an old Rugged Cross, The emblem of suffering and shame. But I love that old cross, where the dearest and best, For a world of lost sinners was slain. So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down. I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it someday for a crown. I was sitting in the hospital waiting room with my brother and sister, and they were discussing what kind of music they like. They asked me about my tastes and I really didn’t know what to say. Frankly, I don’t listen to that much music. I like oldies for … [Read more...] about “The Old Rugged Cross” – A Good Friday Message
Testimony Time: Tell Us How God Saved You
I was saved as a six-year-old boy. My dad used to read a book called "Little Pilgrim's Progress" - a children's adaptation of the Bunyan classic - to my brother and I at bedtime. Actually, all four of us in my family were saved as dad read that book to us. There is a part about Christian going to the cross and leaving his burden of sin there. I actually have no memory of that. I barely remember my baptism, but I don't have a lot of memories of those early years. I struggled with whether an experience I could not remember was real, but as I grew I believe that I was genuinely saved. … [Read more...] about Testimony Time: Tell Us How God Saved You
The Crimson River: A Reflection on the Power of the Cross
There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins. And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stain. Today is not a day for debate or discussion, but for reflection. This is a holy week, a week in which we think about one thing, one person – the most important thing that ever happened and the most important person who ever lived. I would ask you to celebrate with me, to join in the rejoicing over one fact, that there is indeed a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains. … [Read more...] about The Crimson River: A Reflection on the Power of the Cross
Passion Week: Reflecting on the Death and Resurrection of Our Savior
We are going to take a break from our regular programming (unless something huge comes up) the rest of the week and focus our posts on the meaning and power of the Cross, of the glory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Blogging is by nature divisive and causes us to major on secondary issues. Let us make the next few days "holy" - set apart for the consideration of the Cross and our Risen Lord. We believe that Jesus is the Divine Son, sent to live the life of perfect righteousness which we could not. We believe that having fulfilled all righteousness he offered himself as a … [Read more...] about Passion Week: Reflecting on the Death and Resurrection of Our Savior
The Gospel Hammer, the Idolatry Bludgeon, and Blogging Discussions
I attended the Band of Bloggers meeting in Chicago on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun and instructive. I had a chance to meet a few people and we had some interesting discussion on the dangers and blessings of blogging. Before I make my point, let me share some of the things that were discussed. The thrust of the meeting was "gospel-driven blogging" - what could be more noble? But one of the discussion leaders (I didn't take notes and can't remember who said it) said that "gospel" is in danger of becoming another undefined buzzword, much as "missional" has been. Actually, this is the … [Read more...] about The Gospel Hammer, the Idolatry Bludgeon, and Blogging Discussions
Darkness of the Soul: A Pastor’s Struggle with Despair
I was tempted to post this as an anonymous guest blogger, but I figured I'd put it out there under my own name. I was inspired by the comment made by Eddie on Saturday night on the "Golden Age of NAMB" post. You can find it. It cut me to the heart, for two reasons. First, a brother in Christ is in pain, hurting, in despair. Second, it brought back some memories of where I was last fall, when I felt everything Eddie said. I've never really contemplated suicide, but I've gone through times when I would have welcomed death. I wish that feeling came from a place of noble passion like … [Read more...] about Darkness of the Soul: A Pastor’s Struggle with Despair
What is the Gospel?
What is the Gospel? from Southern Seminary on Vimeo. … [Read more...] about What is the Gospel?
Here’s to the Golden Age of NAMB
SBC Voices has discussed Kevin Ezell in great detail. Perhaps ad nauseum. The last thing we need is one more opinion. But that has never stopped me before. As I have responded to comments today, I decided I want to sum up my perspective, for what it is worth. I make you one promise: this is the LAST Ezell-related post for a while (unless I change my mind, of course). We seem to fall into about 3 general categories in our attitudes toward him. Ezellanators: People who think he hung the moon, walks on water and heals the sick with his hands. Ezellahaters: People who think he … [Read more...] about Here’s to the Golden Age of NAMB
“If I Was the Devil” by Tommy Nelson
I just thought this was good! Hope it blesses you like it did me. … [Read more...] about “If I Was the Devil” by Tommy Nelson
Ezell’s Interview with Al Mohler
Someone put a link to this interview in the comments on Howell's post. And I thought it was worth hearing from Dr. Ezell's own words how things are going at NAMB. I found myself a little more sympathetic to Ezell - he's had a rough job. I sure wouldn't want it. It's an interesting and seemingly forthright discussion. 1) I was surprised at the forceful description of the inadequacy of the way NAMB was functioning prior to his coming. At about 16:30, he says that NAMB was "pathetic." He describes NAMB as the Montreal Expos (badly managed and facing extinction) and said that NAMB needed … [Read more...] about Ezell’s Interview with Al Mohler