When major sporting events are on, (such as NCAA Basketball Conference Tournaments), blogging hits tend to go down. Hope your team wins (unless it is Duke, UNC, Texas or Kentucky). … [Read more...] about An Observation about Baptist Bloggers
It’s Deja Vu All Over Again – The Traditional/Contemporary Battle Flares Again!
You are probably aware that a new controversy has broken out about the future of the SBC. Actually, no. A very long-standing conflagration has burst forth from the depths again. For many years, the SBC has been a traditionalist haven. The Pastor's conference was one white man in a blue suit followed by another white man in a blue suit followed by another white man in a blue. They preached typical traditional Southern Baptist sermons - always alliterated as God intended! There is a new breeze blowing in the SBC. This year at the SBC Pastor's Conference, you will probably see more … [Read more...] about It’s Deja Vu All Over Again – The Traditional/Contemporary Battle Flares Again!
An Open Letter to Bryant Wright and the Committee on Nominations: Let’s Paint with Color This Year
To President Bryant Wright and the Members of the SBC Committee on Nominations, Race has been a hot topic in the SBC recently. Dwight McKissic offered a motion in Orlando last June to include racism along with homosexuality as a sin that will eliminate a church from SBC participation. Johnny Hunt referred the motion to the Executive Committee who has declined to recommend the change to the c0nstitution. According to one person, the belief is that such a move would be redundant. Our stand against racism and bigotry is already encoded in the Baptist Faith and Message statement and … [Read more...] about An Open Letter to Bryant Wright and the Committee on Nominations: Let’s Paint with Color This Year
The “New and Improved” SBC Voices
I put out an appeal for help in posting at SBC Voices and the response was gratifying and overwhelming. I want to tell you a little about what we want this site to become – “the vision thing.” Then, I want to introduce you to our new team of regular contributors. Of course, we will also have guest bloggers on a regular basis. The Plan When I got into blogging back in 2006, it was a Wild West shootout. There were good guys and bad guys, our side against their side. I joined right in. But I always had this nagging feeling that the way we communicated with one another just was not … [Read more...] about The “New and Improved” SBC Voices
Two Questions for the Readers of SBC Voices
1) Who is going to Phoenix? I had a great time last year in Orlando, getting to know people I had blogged with (and against). I discovered that rumors that Tim Rogers has horns are greatly exaggerated. I found out that CB Scott is a real person, not a myth. It was great fun. This year, of course, Phoenix is a little longer trip for most of us. But I am wondering who is planning to be there and who wants to hang out. My goal would be to get a wave going during one of the entity presentations. We'll see. Who is going to be there? 2) Do you guys like the nested comments or … [Read more...] about Two Questions for the Readers of SBC Voices
The Racism Motion: A Response from the Inside
I received an email from someone who was "in the know" relative to some of the decisions that I have been critical of here. I'll call him Jason Bourne (Obviously, NOT his real name). He responded in a reasoned and forthright way to some of the comments that I (and others) have made here about Dwight McKissic's motion about racism in the SBC. It is really important to see all sides of things. Jason gently shared a different perspective than the one I had formed and I learned from it. He has asked that I protect his identity but granted me permission to share some of his thoughts and … [Read more...] about The Racism Motion: A Response from the Inside
I Wish Every Baptist Executive Was Like Our Jimmy Barrentine!
I got an email a couple of days ago telling me what I had already heard. Sometime this year, the SBC's best state executive director will be retiring. We Iowa Baptists don't have a lot to brag about. We are one of the smaller conventions - so small we don't even get representation on our boards and agencies. We struggle to plant churches. Its not easy to get "Southern" Baptists to venture to the frozen north to serve our churches. Iowa is often difficult soil in which to plant the seed. But we have had the best exec in the convention. Don't argue with me. I'm right on this one. I … [Read more...] about I Wish Every Baptist Executive Was Like Our Jimmy Barrentine!
The SBC, Racism and the Future: My (Lily White) Brothers, We Can Do Better!
Dwight McKissic said something to me the other day that absolutely shocked me. He had called me about another matter, and but he told me something that really disturbed me. The podium at the SBC Annual Meeting last year was just like me - lily white! When he made his motion to make racism as serious an offense as homosexuality in the SBC bylaws, there was not a single person of color involved in making the decisions. He claimed that there was not a single black man on the stage during the entire convention. Here's the thing: I never noticed. It never occurred to me that the … [Read more...] about The SBC, Racism and the Future: My (Lily White) Brothers, We Can Do Better!
If You Had Any Doubt about Rob Bell…
Read Denny Burk's latest post. He denies the gospel, abandons the biblical gospel, and unmasks himself. … [Read more...] about If You Had Any Doubt about Rob Bell…
“Pujols: More than the Game” A Review
I cheered for Brett Favre for a long time. I loved his grit, his competitive spirit and the joy he demonstrated as he played football. I even cheered for him as he retired and unretired fourteen times. But he made it difficult to cheer for him as stories of his boorish behavior in his year as the Jets quarterback came to light. Sexual harassment. Sexting. Brett Favre is evidently a hero with feet of clay. Baseball's 1998 was a year of glory. Not only did the Yankees win more games than any other team ever has, but the home run derby between Mark McGwire (my hero) and Sammy Sosa (not … [Read more...] about “Pujols: More than the Game” A Review