You've probably all seen this, but its worth hearing again...and again...and again. There are several versions of this out there on youtube. I like this one the best. I thought that perhaps this powerful preaching might balance out the pain I inflicted with the "O Holy Night" travesty of yesterday. I get chills every time I hear this. I really wish I could preach like this! … [Read more...] about “That’s My King!” (SM Lockridge) Best Preaching Ever?
A Christmas Blessing: Matt Svoboda Sings “O Holy Night”
The readers of Voices may not know that Matt Svoboda, who was the Editor of this blog until September is an accomplished singer. You might be blessed by his version of "O Holy Night" which is going to be on his upcoming album, "A Young Whippersnapper's Christmas." … [Read more...] about A Christmas Blessing: Matt Svoboda Sings “O Holy Night”
Recommendation: Use the Excellent Lottie Moon Videos to Promote the LMCOIM
At my church, we work pretty hard to promote the Lottie Moon offering. Being in a new work state, I have about 2-3% of my members who have a Southern Baptist background. Until they joined SHBC, they had no idea who Lottie Moon was. We promote the offering pretty hard and our people are pretty generous - for folks who have no SBC denominational heritage. The Lottie Moon videos that the IMB sends out have been a great help in this. We used to show them at the beginning of the service, but our folks are notoriously late arrivers, so now we use them instead at the offering time during the … [Read more...] about Recommendation: Use the Excellent Lottie Moon Videos to Promote the LMCOIM
A “Helper” Suitable for Him: Gender Issues in Genesis 2
(This is part 3 in a series and is based on what has gone before. Read Part 1 here. Read Part 2 here.) A Shocking "Exegesis" of Scripture I apologize for what I am about to tell you – in advance. I used to have a book in my library that was written in the early 1900's by a Baptist preacher from the South. It was an exposition of the Scriptures that demonstrated that God meant for black people to be slaves. He went right back to the Creation narratives and found evidence that God intended for the white man to rule the black man. My jaw dropped as I read it. His “exegesis” focused on … [Read more...] about A “Helper” Suitable for Him: Gender Issues in Genesis 2
If You’ve Been Having Problems with the Site…
There seems to be a lot of that going around - not just here but on other sites as well. I'd tell you I was "working on the problem" except I know nothing about websites or programming or troubleshooting. My hope is just that the difficulties will disappear and all will be back to normal. If you have had comments disappear, you are not alone. And I apologize for the inconvenience. Know that you are not being moderated unless I have informed you by email that you are being moderated. Just thought I'd let you know. … [Read more...] about If You’ve Been Having Problems with the Site…
Bart Barber on Church Planting: A MUST-READ Blogpost!
Bart has just posted an article called, " A Bloated Baptist Bureaucracy We Could Do Without." Wow! You may love it like I did. You might get mad at it, as I am sure some will. But you ought to read it without question. I'm not going to have comments open here - follow the link to Bart's site and read what he has written and comment there if you so desire. But read it! A couple of quotes: If the Southern Baptist Convention's leaders are really serious about getting more resources out to reach the most lost areas of the world, they ought to reject entirely the notion of widespread … [Read more...] about Bart Barber on Church Planting: A MUST-READ Blogpost!
Via Denny Burk – Review of “Who’s Tampering with the Trinity?”
Denny Burk put up links today to an important review that appeared in the Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (JBMW) . Millard Erickson has written an important new book called "Who's Tampering with the Trinity? An Assessment of the Subordination Debate" which deals with the issues in the nature of the Trinity that form the theological basis of disputes about gender and gender roles today. Erickson abandons the current Egalitarian/Eternal Subordination nomenclature and replaces it with "Equivalence" and 'Gradation" - terms I think have some usefulness. Burk links to a review in … [Read more...] about Via Denny Burk – Review of “Who’s Tampering with the Trinity?”
Be It Resolved: Resolutions Are a Waste of Time! Or Are they?
In our discussion of state convention meetings, we devoted quite a bit of time to the South Carolina resolution of copper theft. While some explained the context and import of that resolution, it is fair to say that many of us saw this as another in a long line of vapid resolutions at state conventions and the SBC annual meeting. Toward the end 0f the discussion, Dr. Nathan Finn responded to a series of comments related to a post he made at "Between the Times" and some subsequent events. After addressing Aaron Weaver, he asked this question to me, and to all of us in the discussion. Why … [Read more...] about Be It Resolved: Resolutions Are a Waste of Time! Or Are they?
Preaching the Birth of Christ: Tell Us Your Plan
Tell us about your preaching program during the Christmas season. I spent 14 Christmases at Northbrook Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids, IA. It was not easy to come up with fresh, biblical approaches to the Christmas story. How many sermons can you do on the angels on the hillside or the Manger in Bethlehem? So, I'm interested. How do you approach your pulpit duties in the Christmas season? Any creative approaches to the Nativity story you'd be willing to share with the rest of us? I know some preachers who almost completely ignore the season from the pulpit and simply continue with … [Read more...] about Preaching the Birth of Christ: Tell Us Your Plan
Dude, Why are You Reading Blogs Today? Seriously! Go Eat Some Turkey, Watch Football and Talk to Your Kids! Oh, and GIVE THANKS!
Really. Stop blogging. This is not the time for that. … [Read more...] about Dude, Why are You Reading Blogs Today? Seriously! Go Eat Some Turkey, Watch Football and Talk to Your Kids! Oh, and GIVE THANKS!