We are waiting for IMB to follow in NAMB's footsteps and name a new president. My hope is that when they make their nomination, they will forgo the "We have found God's Man" tactic that was used by NAMB trustees and their search committee. Ted Traylor, Bryant Wright and others put on a full-court press for the nomination of Kevin Ezell as NAMB president. They designated him as “God’s Man” for the job. Before I dig in, let me say that I think that Kevin Ezell may just be exactly the man we need at NAMB. NAMB needs a visionary leader – he seems to be that. NAMB needs integrity – everyone … [Read more...] about PLEASE! Enough of the “God’s Man” Tactic, Okay?
Cooperative Program Reality Check: Is the CP Really Our Sacred Cow?
Before I say some things that might rankle some feathers here, let me say that I am a supporter of the Cooperative Program. In the nearly 30 years that I have been a pastor, I have served 4 churches (3 as “senior” pastor). Two of those churches gave 20% or more through the CP. My last two churches have hovered in the 12 percent range. I say all that to point out that I am not saying what I am going to say to excuse my own CP failures. I’m not sure what you consider an acceptable CP standard, but all four churches I’ve served have, I think, met that standard. When I was convention … [Read more...] about Cooperative Program Reality Check: Is the CP Really Our Sacred Cow?
CB Scott’s Personal Playground: A Sports Blog for SBC Voices
Since CB Scott has insisted on publishing constant drivel about the Albalama Crismon Tripe football team (yes, I'm bitter - my Hawks lost this week), I thought the best thing to do would be to provide him his own dedicated blog post which will be specifically for sports-related posts. Here are the rules: 1) Trash-talking, as long as it is good-natured and clean is strongly encouraged. 2) Those who diss the Tide will be commended. 3) Those who diss the Yankees or the Hawkeyes will be warned, then punished. Not sure what the punishment will be yet, but I will try to make it fit the … [Read more...] about CB Scott’s Personal Playground: A Sports Blog for SBC Voices
Does Blogging Interfere with Real Ministry?
Bart Barber punched me in the gut today! He posted an article entitled "Why I Almost Never Blog Anymore" accompanied by this graph, which basically shows that the more he blogs, the fewer people his church baptizes. Bart is not suggesting that this is a scientific sample, as best I can tell. But his simple pictures speaks a thousand words. He has been one of my favorite bloggers for several years. He has a unique and powerful insight into scriptures, into Baptist history and doctrine, and into human behavior. He has been a voice of wit and wisdom, even though sometimes he has … [Read more...] about Does Blogging Interfere with Real Ministry?
Advice for Kevin Ezell and NAMB
I'll admit it. I was torqued off by Dr. Ezell's words to his church that disdained bloggers who criticized him. I was not among those bloggers, but I still felt the unfairness of the criticism. That thread was really active yesterday. But as the day wore on, the comments started to trend a little too negative for my comfort. There seems to be some real anger out there toward the SBC and its leaders and style. I understand that. I get a little frustrated at times. But I do not think that simply venting our anger is productive. Let's turn it positive (group hug, everyone). What … [Read more...] about Advice for Kevin Ezell and NAMB
New Voices Feature – “Brotherly Advice” – What Are the Mandates of the Church?
I need your help. I’m beginning a new series on Voices called “Brotherly Advice.” A few weeks ago, one of our regular commenters wrote anonymously to ask our advice on a situation in his church. We had a pretty good discussion of the issues he faced, and he received, I think, some helpful advice. I want to share an issue with you from my own ministry, and ask for your insight and opinions. And, in the future, if you want to ask a question to the blogging world, feel free to contact me. I will post your situation, anonymously or not. Struggling with a difficult member? Trying to … [Read more...] about New Voices Feature – “Brotherly Advice” – What Are the Mandates of the Church?
Disturbing Comments by Kevin Ezell
(NOTE: Kevin Ezell was elected as President of the North American Mission Board. The BP article did not tell what the vote count was. Congratulations Dr. Ezell!) I have not been involved in the debate about whether Kevin Ezell is qualified to be the president of NAMB. From everything I have been told, he is a talented leader and perhaps exactly the kind of visionary administrator that NAMB needs. We cannot afford a continuation of instability and dysfunction at the helm of this important mission organization. From what I have read, Ezell may be exactly what that organization … [Read more...] about Disturbing Comments by Kevin Ezell
A Crucial Theological Issue: Is God He or he?
At Truman Elementary School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, I was taught that divine pronouns should always be capitalized. That was at a public school. Now today, even modern Bible translations do not capitalize the divine pronouns. Am I just a relic of the ancient past because I feel like God's name should be honored, even by capitalizing pronouns referring to Him. On the other hand, I know that if any publisher ever accepts a book I write, he or she will go through my manuscript and turn He and Him into he and him. I'm interested in hearing other people's perspectives on this. … [Read more...] about A Crucial Theological Issue: Is God He or he?
Contra Svoboda: Answering Matt Svoboda’s Arguments for Amillennialism
In recent days, Matt Svoboda has posted two essays at this site explaining why he has adopted Amillennialism and the problems he has with premillennialism. I was away at a speaking engagement and did not have either the time or the internet access to engage the discussion. So, I thought that I would write a response to Matt’s post and deal point-by-point with his assertions about premillennialism. Matt and I harass each other a lot about eschatology. Frankly, I think he is jealous of me! Neither of us believes that these issues are fundamental to our faith. We agree that those who love … [Read more...] about Contra Svoboda: Answering Matt Svoboda’s Arguments for Amillennialism
Jerry Falwell, Jr’s Statement to Glenn Beck: Is the Gospel Secondary to Political Gain?
An IMB missionary told me something interesting on my recent trip to Taiwan. We Americans tend to be far more “patriotic” than people from other nations. Other people appreciate their nations – we love America. There is an increasing conflict among American Christians as to how involved the church should be in political activity. Left wing churches embrace political action as a part of their pursuit of social justice. They have abandoned the gospel for social transformation and embrace political action without shame. But those of us who hold faithfully to scripture have to balance … [Read more...] about Jerry Falwell, Jr’s Statement to Glenn Beck: Is the Gospel Secondary to Political Gain?