Today there are folks who know you. Some know you by the ministry you have in your particular area. Some know you as husband, wife, father, mother, friend. Still some may only know you by what you write, how you act and interact with others on the blogs. They only know you by your words, your behavior–your reputation. What do they know? How are you known? When I read the passage below from Romans, I paused and thought about what Paul is saying: “First, I thank God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because [the report of] your faith is made known to all the world and is commended … [Read more...] about How Are You Known?
Ever been there? You've talked and talked and no matter what evidence you give, what reason, what logic...nothing penetrates? You quote scriptures and give the principles. You present historical precedents and gather witnesses. But it doesn't make a whit of difference to folks. They are not budging. You get the impression that they aren't even listening or reasoning. Their minds are made up. When the impasse occurs, what can one say? There are times in life when there is nothing you can say. There are times when you must simply move on. There is nothing defeatist in that situation. There is … [Read more...] about WHAT CAN I SAY?
BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH by selahV Can a person be lost because they pray and believe Jesus saves him? If he confesses his sin and is cleansed from all unrighteousness trusting in God's Word, can he still be lost? If you believe you are saved because God's Word says you are saved, and you think you are saved, can you still be lost? Are you concerned that some people will "think" they are saved when they aren't, simply because they prayed a prayer? Can a person who "thinks" Jesus saves by grace and grace alone, still be lost even though they "think" it. For me? I trust in God's Word as … [Read more...] about BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH
Getting Familiar with SBC Blogging
Since I began blogging in 2006, the voices of SBC bloggers have changed quite a bit. Some faded away, others became stronger. With the addition of SBCVoices, many have been added and more are entering the world of Blogland all the time. That is a good thing for the most part. Folks are getting connected. They are learning about various things within the community of pastors, seminaries, and entities. However, there is a tenuous thread attached to the cyber-optic internet connection, too. Some of the older bloggers (not chronologically by age, but having been blogging early on), … [Read more...] about Getting Familiar with SBC Blogging
“We Are Out To Change The World”
That was the theme of matriculation when my husband enrolled at Boyce Bible School (College today), in 1979. We were so excited. We sold our home, the majority of our belongings, said good-bye to family, packed up our children, and caravaned with another couple from East Hartford, Connecticut to Louisville, Kentucky. We had no solid revelation as to what the Lord was calling us to do, but we knew He wanted my husband to surrender to full-time (or part-time) ministry. We'd envisioned going back to New England to pastor. Instead, God kept us in full-time ministry in Kentucky for 23 years. … [Read more...] about “We Are Out To Change The World”
From God's Call to God's Sanctification: It's not easy being me. It made no sense. I'd been born-again all of 8 months. I sat in an auditorium in Ridgecrest, North Carolina listening to Bertha Smith challenge us all to pray for the Lord to bring forth laborers for His harvest. That tiny gray-haired lady charged us to pray that people hear and heed the call to missions, to ministry, to evangelism. She exhorted us with Isaiah's words: "Here am I, send me". I prayed for others. I asked God to call men to ministry. Then I heard a voice say, "You." I'm hearing things. Bertha Smith must … [Read more...] about CONFESSIONS OF A PASTOR’S WIFE
Sometimes I've wondered. I've been privy to a number of conversations with folks who aren't "ready" to be baptized--with those who do not see "why" they need to be baptized. And in the past few years, I've read many posts and comments regarding baptism. I've followed conversations where folks get all worked up over the requirement of, get this, Southern Baptist churches expecting people to be baptized like the Savior by John to validate their fellowship with the Baptist faith which espouses baptism by immersion as one part of Christ's biblical commands. To be honest, that doesn't … [Read more...] about WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH BAPTISM?
What is cooperation? My online dictionary says cooperation means: "1: the action of cooperating; common effort. 2: association of persons for common benefit." It's kinda like my granddaughters' cheerleading dance presentations. Each girl has her own personality. Each has her own height, weight, and abilty to perform the cheer in a fluid motion of unity. They cooperate in making this occur with a common effort to achieve one voice to benefit the whole. If one girl decides she'd rather dance to a different song and when the music begins, she dances to a song in her own head, she is not … [Read more...] about ARE YOU A COOPERATING SOUTHERN BAPTIST?
"It is the Spirit that gives life--He is the Life-giver; the flesh conveys no benefit whatever--there is no profit in it. The words that I have been speaking to you are spirit and life." John 6:63 Ever wonder if you are doing something in the flesh? Ever consider whether what you are doing, as you go about ministering in Jesus' name, is spirit driven or flesh driven? Sometimes I think we folks believe we are working with God in spirit but are doing so in the flesh. We pray with our minds focused on the horizontal effect--what God's answers will do for me and my church rather than Him and … [Read more...] about JUST FLESHING SOMETHING OUT
Since 2006 when I started blogging, I've read a continual battery of degrading things about our convention and many of her leaders. The wearisome drone of belittlement, impugning, accusation, and maligning has, at times, stirred me to comment with ire and disgust. Other times I've written posts to encourage us to "grieve not the Holy Spirit" with our maiming of the brethren. Sometimes I've responded to complete strangers on blogs to encourage them not to give up on the SBC because of a few who continually drip, drip, drip words of dissension and division. (I've been so blessed by the … [Read more...] about THE BEST OR WORST OF THE SBC