David Platt, who has announced his resignation but is still CEO of the IMB, had a plan to greatly expand the Board's overseas workforce. The plan was to meld unpaid overseas secular workers into the IMB's work. Not a few questions were raised about this but it was a plan to get IMB's numbers back up. I know of no SBC entity or institution that is planning for significant expansion based on projected increases in Cooperative Program revenues. IMB receives less than one-third of their budget from CP revenues, much more from Lottie Moon offering and direct gifts. I don't see much going on in … [Read more...] about How IMB’s overseas workers could double in number
It’s lost in all the acrimony but the Cooperative Program is UP
National CP 4.45% ahead of projection As of April 30, gifts received by the Executive Committee for distribution through the CP Allocation Budget through the first seven months of the convention's fiscal year totaled $116,986,524.22. This total is $4,986,524.22 above the $112 million year-to-date budgeted amount to support SBC ministries globally and across North America and is $2,123,411.63 more than the $114,863,112.59 received through the end of April 2017. Over two million ahead of actual gifts for the same period last fiscal year is pretty good. We are on track to show an overall … [Read more...] about It’s lost in all the acrimony but the Cooperative Program is UP
Our beloved, beleaguered denomination
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after conflict and controversy, for in the Southern Baptist Convention they will eventually be satisfied. - SBC Beatitude "Yet forty days, and Ninevah shall be overthrown" wrote Jonah and our SBC Annual Meeting is forty days hence. While the magnitude of the meeting doesn't look biblical it has the potential be catastrophic. In fact, it looks certain that there will be no shortage of rancor and acrimony. All in Good Christian Spirit as we Southern Baptists do rancor, one hopes. Last year the alt-right mess was unexpectedly upon us and, although … [Read more...] about Our beloved, beleaguered denomination
Brother, prepare to relinquish thy housing allowance
This advice is not from Your Humble Hacker and Plodding Semi-retired Pastor but from LifeWay leader Thom Ranier. In a recent podcast (Will the Minister's Housing Allowance Go Away?) he states his belief that " it is going to go away" and advises pastors to rearrange their finances now to prepare for the loss. The part of the tax law that provides for the housing allowance on parsonages is not the issue. So, if you live in the humble parson's domicile on the site of your church then there's no need to worry. If instead you own your home and receive a cash payment from your church as "housing … [Read more...] about Brother, prepare to relinquish thy housing allowance
Magical thinking on Cooperative Program percentages
The most bewailed SBC statistic is the average percentage of undesignated receipts given by churches to the Cooperative Program. The figure stands at 5.16% having declined from over 10% back in the days prior to the Conservative Resurgence. The decline has been incremental, steady, and relentless although during Frank Page's tenure as SBC Executive Committee CEO the percentage has stopped declining and is more or less flat. SBC leaders and others regularly speak of raising the percentage and returning to the earlier times when churches were happy to devote a tenth of their budgets to the … [Read more...] about Magical thinking on Cooperative Program percentages
There is clearly soteriological heresy in the SBC
The long lament of SBC leaders concerns declining baptisms. The weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth was intensified last June when the lowest number of baptisms was reported since 1946, when Georgia's Louie Newton was SBC president. The drop was called a "freefall." Thom Ranier, LifeWay head said that "evangelism and discipleship are waining" in the SBC. Frank Page said that we should all "lament the poor state of our churches, our lack of evangelistic fervor, and our increasingly irrelevant programs." Indeed. We are accustomed to the June swoon of SBC leaders when the baptism figures … [Read more...] about There is clearly soteriological heresy in the SBC
More about satellite SBC annual meetings and remote voting: still a bad idea
Why wouldn't all of us be in favor of expanding participation for voting for the SBC Annual Meeting by having satellite meetings, perhaps at your local Baptist associational office, where folks who can't make the annual meeting in Dallas or Phoenix or Nashville or Indianapolis could cast their vote? It's tough to address some populist ideas because the presumption of greater participation always puts you on the defensive, having to explain why more people voting is a bad idea. Well, it is a bad idea but I offer a bit more about it. I have speculated about that as a way to increase … [Read more...] about More about satellite SBC annual meetings and remote voting: still a bad idea
A thriving Cooperative Program needs all kinds of churches on board
The Cooperative Program is our main funding mechanism. It puts more dollars than any other source into SBC state conventions and their assorted ministries as well as the SBC level entities (one proviso on this, though, is that direct giving puts more dollars into SBC level entities than does CP). Perhaps more important than the dollars is that the CP is our method of uniting churches, state conventions, and SBC level entities in cooperative ministry. Almost all of us desire a strong CP and most of us would think an increasing CP dollar flow makes us a healthier convention. While it would be … [Read more...] about A thriving Cooperative Program needs all kinds of churches on board
Things you probably need to know…
...and I'm happy to help. Squirrels, those rats of the forest with long fluffy tails, are being brought back from the 'dead'. Rodent CPR. Why? Complaints are being noised that our ERLC leader can't get into the White House. But we do have a few megapastors who seem to get there and end up being photographed standing beside prosperity gospel superstar Paula White. God bless Russell Moore. Don't worry about the world ending a week from Monday, National Geographic sez. Instead, plan for the usual Global Warming catastrophes. Seems that there has long been a conspiracy theory (Nibiru, … [Read more...] about Things you probably need to know…
A few stray observations about the Grand Old SBC these days
Seems that "objectify" is the term du jour in our circles. Many of the brethren need help understanding this. I suggest asking the closest female. Steve Gaines says we are at a "pivotal" time. In my best curmudgeonly way, I'd call it the wrong term. We are clearly in the midst of a generation change, and that whether the youthful J. D. Greear or the senior adult Ken Hemphill is elected. But "pivotal," is ridiculously overused these days. The SBC doesn't pivot. It shifts direction by tiny degrees and fractions of degrees. Regardless of the election outcome, we will change little. The new … [Read more...] about A few stray observations about the Grand Old SBC these days