There is a reason that previous generations referred to the pulpit as "the sacred desk;" it is, no doubt, the same reason that the prophets of the Old Testament sometimes referred to "the burden of the Lord". The responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God to the people of God is a serious and oftentimes heavy calling, and those who have been entrusted with this task should carry out their service with the utmost theological fidelity and personal integrity. In recent years, this concern has become even more evident in light of the growing awareness of the problem of plagiarism. This problem … [Read more...] about On Celebrity Preachers and Plagiarism (Phillip Powers)
Answers, but many SB pastors would be embarrassed.
The Executive Committee can expel churches without messengers being involved. Absolutely true. They just did it in a closed meeting without votes being recorded or discussion on the record. Shameful. The Executive Committee may expel a church for any reason. Trick question but sorta true. Even though there are reasons listed, the broad requirement of "closely identifies" with the BFM and the last two enumerated reasons (being discriminatory and acting not inconsistently on sex abuse) are not defined. The EC can doggone well do what it wants in regard to any church. Same for … [Read more...] about Answers, but many SB pastors would be embarrassed.
Reject the constitutional amendment but take this SBC governing documents test first.
Here's an SBC polity and governing documents test. These are all True/False for my colleagues who like to play the odds and not think too much. it's very simple. I'm almost embarrassed to offer it. The Executive Committee can expel churches without messengers being involved. The Executive Committee may expel a church for any reason. The SBC Constitution specifically lists five reasons that a church may be excluded. The EC and messengers have the ability to expel individuals as well as churches from our body. A congregation must be a part of a local SBC association and/or an … [Read more...] about Reject the constitutional amendment but take this SBC governing documents test first.
The Senegal Test of Our Baptist Battles
Once I might have called this the Taiwan test. Admittedly oversimplified, I believe there's an idea here worth our consideration. In 2012, I was leading an interdenominational Bible study for missionaries in Taichung, Taiwan, during the heyday of Baptist blogging. As I chatted with some of the missionaries, I realized how irrelevant the hot-button issues raging in the Baptist blogosphere were to people actually doing ministry on the Kingdom's frontlines. Our petty, internecine squabbles, which seemed so crucial as we engaged here, meant nothing to them. I am sitting under African … [Read more...] about The Senegal Test of Our Baptist Battles
A Real Danger in the SBC
There is no shortage of voices in the SBC claiming that the end is near, that we balance on a precipice over the pit of destruction. I believe most of those voices are mistaken - some out of ignorance and others willfully. Most of the "enemies within the church" they warn us about are bogeymen designed to manipulate us into action, so that they can gain and maintain power. Wokeism is not a huge danger in the SBC. There is a misguided "woke" movement in American politics, centered in our universities, but it is not huge issue in the SBC. The SBC is filled with conservatives - some more … [Read more...] about A Real Danger in the SBC
You Reap What You Sow – an Exhortation
My life has taken some unfortunate turns in the last few years. My church struggled greatly to recover after COVID and after discussions the leaders thought that a 65 year old pastor might not be their best bet in rejuvenating the church. It was a friendly, cordial, involuntary retirement/resignation/dismissal. Honestly, after nearly a year I still do not know how to describe what happened. People ask what went on and we hem and haw because we do not know how to categorize what happened. They expressed deep love and appreciation and respect for me, then sent me on my way. Now I am 65 year … [Read more...] about You Reap What You Sow – an Exhortation
It Is Time to Stand
I have followed Karen Swallow Prior for several years. Though I've never had the privilege of meeting her in person, I've interacted with her often on social media. She is a woman of grace, godly character, and Christlike conviction. I've observed how she has responded to the most vile attacks against her with kindness, returning good for evil, loving her enemies. She demonstrates Jesus daily. Extreme elements of the SBC and Christian social media have attacked her in an organized and evil way. They have distorted her views, lied about who she is, and spread the most vile false accusations … [Read more...] about It Is Time to Stand
Scatter Shooting, Part Two
Scatter shooting while wondering if the Oak Ridge Boys are really from Oak Ridge. Over the years I’ve been asked if I believe all of the Bible is true. I believe all of the Bible is true except one verse—1 Timothy 1:15. In this verse Paul writes, “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am foremost” (ESV). I believe all that verse except the last part. Paul should have written, “of whom Mark Terry is foremost.” I believe those who preach regularly would do well to use the expository preaching approach. … [Read more...] about Scatter Shooting, Part Two
Ministry Check reality check
Absent a catastrophic convention, which seems likely, the SBC will have the Ministry Check database of abusers sometime soon. The SBC in annual session voted overwhelmingly to do this last year. It seems likely that our Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force will have it in place prior to June and no further votes are needed, best I can see. The Executive Committee has to execute a contract with the administrator, Faith-Based Solutions, a division of the familiar (and detested by some) Guidepost Solutions, LLC. Those who don't like the Ministry Check database, or don't want it, or think … [Read more...] about Ministry Check reality check
Christ-Active Living: The Key to Forgiveness
Jesus said some brutally shocking things that make us want to dumb his words down or rationalize them away. He told us to “love your enemies.” He couldn't really have meant that we were show love to people who hate us, who tried to hurt us, right? There has to be another explanation. Paul, under inspiration, told us “Don’t worry about anything.” Are you kidding me? In this world? Living in perfect faith and perfect peace without ever worrying about anything? No way. Surely Paul was exaggerating. In Ephesians, he commanded us to "give thanks always for all things.” I have no trouble … [Read more...] about Christ-Active Living: The Key to Forgiveness