I taught missions in Bible college and seminary for forty years. As you can imagine, I taught the book of Acts many times. Every time I did, a student would ask, “Why don’t we see the events of Acts in our churches today?” I always answered the same way, “We don’t pray the way they prayed, and we’re not filled with the Spirit as they were. (“They” referring to the believers in Jerusalem.) Why did I answer in that way? Prayer Several passages in the early chapters of Acts tell how the believers in Jerusalem prayed together in groups: Acts 1:14--All these with one accord were devoting … [Read more...] about The Book of Acts Reprised?
Conservative or Liberal: What is the ideal position for Southern Baptists?
James Sullivan was the longtime leader of the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, from 1953-1975. He was considered an expert on Baptist polity and wrote on it extensively. His book "Baptist Polity As I See It" is a great resource for those wanting to learn more. But one part of the book caught my attention, as he asked what was the ideal position for the SBC in regards to conservatives and liberals. He seemed to accept that there would always be some Baptists who were more liberal than others, and that historically the SBC has been made up of centrists. He also encourages … [Read more...] about Conservative or Liberal: What is the ideal position for Southern Baptists?
Historic low for clergy trust but you need not concern yourself about that
My colleagues and I are at an historic low in regard to being considered trustworthy by the public. Notable Ratings for Clergy, High School Teachers, Police The Gallup poll puts the beloved man-of-the-cloth above lawyers, bankers, and journalists but below nurses, doctors, and accountants. Alas, when I started out in the 1980s we were, as a group, ranked high in trust. Now, we're in the toilet and swirling downward. Gallup tracked the downward movement as beginning early in this century, around the time of the Roman Catholic clergy sex abuse scandals. Lifeway Research takes a look … [Read more...] about Historic low for clergy trust but you need not concern yourself about that
Every church should take these steps to make tomorrow easier
The phone rang repeatedly, and I awoke from a dead sleep and mumbled an answer. The church member on the line sounded frantic and said, “has anyone called you yet?” I managed a “no” before he interrupted me and said, “The church is on fire. You need to get down here." It was about 5 a.m. when I pulled up at the church and saw flames shooting out the top of the roof. The fire department was already there, along with a growing crowd. Even in the morning, people had come out to see the spectacle on Main Street. I felt helpless as there was nothing to do but watch. We have separate buildings, … [Read more...] about Every church should take these steps to make tomorrow easier
Your Invitation to New Orleans from our Local Association of Churches (Jack Hunter)
New Orleans is bounded on the north by Lake Pontchartrain, an estuary covering 630 square miles connected to the Gulf of Mexico by the Rigolets and Chef Menteur Pass, and supplied with fresh water by many different rivers, tributaries, and bayous. The Lake is good metaphor for the churches of the New Orleans Baptist Association. Our association comprises many different streams, but we are united by one heart, one hope, one identity—our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our Baptist community is equal parts African American and Anglo, and we have a rapidly growing Hispanic constituency … [Read more...] about Your Invitation to New Orleans from our Local Association of Churches (Jack Hunter)
Forgiveness is NOT Optional
This is the second in what I intend to be 6 or more posts in a series on forgiveness. I believe the biblical accuracy of my point in this post, but it is generating a strong reaction among some in the survivor community. I intended to deal with some of the issues they are concerned about at the end of the series, but it appears I will need to do this sooner rather than later. In the meantime, I made some edits to the post to until I state my views on key issues, especially to a somewhat harsh illustration. It made a point, but it wasn't worth the injury it gave. … [Read more...] about Forgiveness is NOT Optional
The SBC Voices astronomy report: The ‘spectacular’ Green Comet C/2022 E3
The Green Comet, C/2022 E3 Those intrepid Voices readers who rise early before the sun and who know where to look may easily find in the Green Comet these days. That is officially C/2022 E3 and your humble hacker and plodder blogger, being retired and a light sleeper, has stepped outside on my deck and has been observing this comet for several days. If you look high in the north sky near the Big and Little Dippers before dawn you can find it. its not visible to the naked eye (may be later) and you will need binoculars but if you scan around in that small area you will probably find it. I … [Read more...] about The SBC Voices astronomy report: The ‘spectacular’ Green Comet C/2022 E3
The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, Volume VII
I have been following The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon since the release of Volume I in early 2017. The ambitious project promised 12 volumes based on handwritten notes Spurgeon produced in his first few years of ministry. The first few volumes contained full-color scans of each notebook, a fully-formatted transcription, and copious footnotes regarding everything from stains and misspellings to excerpts from Spurgeon’s sources, explanations of historical or cultural references, quotes from Spurgeon’s later writings, and definitions of unfamiliar words. Around the time Volume III appeared, … [Read more...] about The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, Volume VII
Forgive As Christ Forgave
On June 17, 2015, the SBC Annual meeting was breaking up in Phoenix while the Emmanuel AME church in Charleston, SC was holding a small prayer meeting. A skinny white loner wandered in and was welcomed so warmly that he almost changed his mind about the evil he had come to do. When the prayer service ended, he pulled a gun and opened fire on the mostly elderly congregation. Nine people, including the pastor, entered eternity and the world was in shock. Dylann Roof fled but was apprehended quickly and the next day was brought in to be arraigned. At the arraignment, the story took a turn. … [Read more...] about Forgive As Christ Forgave
I Didn’t Know: Prepping for #SBC23
I didn’t know. I had no idea. I’ve been going to SBC Annual Meetings for a couple of decades and had no clue what it took to pull off one of these things. Last week, we (by we, I mean some of the EC staff and then I hung around a bit) finished up a week of meetings of convention planning with logistics people, venue staff and reps from a few of our entities. We did have our larger Local Arrangement Team meeting on Tuesday where we received a bunch of updates and information regarding volunteer needs. The LET also were able to do a full walkthrough of the meeting halls where we will spend … [Read more...] about I Didn’t Know: Prepping for #SBC23