PC president Matt Henslee is taking heat for using ballots to decide the razor-thin margin of the election for PC president in 2023. People are acting as if he did something unusual and unethical in saying that only pastors could vote and requiring signed ballots. When I was elected in 2016, it was by a ballot vote. Steve Gaines and the PC president made it clear that ONLY pastors (they said Senior Pastors, Matt allowed all staff pastors) were allowed to vote. What Matt did was completely within the rules (there actually are none). It is in line with history. Matt did the right … [Read more...] about Pastors’ Conference Elections and Ballots
Pastor’s Conference Election Updated!
NOTE: The vote was too close to call and ballots were taken. Will be announced later. The election of the 2023 Pastors' Conference president is upcoming. It will be a strange election. Only one candidate, Daniel Dickard, is actually an SBC pastor. Since the PC has no governing rules, each president determines the rules of the election during the PC he manages. Matt Henslee is allowing any pastoral staff to vote. In some years, anyone present voted and in others, only Senior Pastors were allowed to vote. We will report the vote as soon as we know the results. If you can, make you … [Read more...] about Pastor’s Conference Election Updated!
EC Officer Election Results
Jared Wellman was elected chair by a 62% to 36% vote over another good candidate, Andrew Hunt. David Sons was elected vice-chair 53% to 47% over Philip Robertson of Louisiana. Pamela Reed defeated Monte Shenkle 58% to 38% for secretary. This election shows how dramatically things have changed at the EC. Three great officers were elected. … [Read more...] about EC Officer Election Results
EC Elections – Secretary
Missouri man being nominated. Monte Shinkle. Stacy ?? nominates Pamela Reed. Ballots are distributed. … [Read more...] about EC Elections – Secretary
EC Officers – Vice-chair
McCollum? nominates Phillip Robertson of Louisiana. Adron Robinson nominates David Sons. Ballots are being distributed. … [Read more...] about EC Officers – Vice-chair
Election of EC Officers – Chairperson
The EC is opening the floor for nominations for EC chair. Hoyt Savage from Nevada nominates Andrew Hunt from Indiana. Mike Keahbone (sp?) nominates Jared Wellman from Texas. Ballots are being distributed … [Read more...] about Election of EC Officers – Chairperson
Debbie Vasquez wants to talk with you at our #StandWithSurvivors Booth
Our booth at the #SBCPC began not as some grand plan, but with a simple promise. Debbie Vasquez was making a great effort to come to the annual meeting, so she could talk to messengers, pass out the material she prepared, and do everything she can to keep other children from going through the horror she did. Of course, security is tight, getting in the building requires you to be a registered guest and passing out literature that hasn’t been approved is restricted, and she wasn’t sure she would even be able to talk to messengers even if she could somehow get to Anaheim. As Debbie shared her … [Read more...] about Debbie Vasquez wants to talk with you at our #StandWithSurvivors Booth
SBC Voices Dinner Fellowship
Every year we try to gather on Monday afternoon/evening of the Pastors' Conference to share a meal together. Unfortunately, you have to pay for your own meal! Jenni and I walked the area yesterday looking for a place. It was either an IHOP-type restaurant or there was a place that would cost about a hundred bucks a person. We split the difference. We will go to Savor immediately after the PC's afternoon session ends. It costs $24 per person, plus alcohol for Calvinists (I kid) and tip. They serve a 4 course meal. Appetizer. Charcuterie board. Pizza. Desert. Looks pretty … [Read more...] about SBC Voices Dinner Fellowship
Why I Believe the SBC Needs Bart Barber as President
First of all, let me be clear - it isn't because I agree with him about everything. If you delve back into the history of SBC blogging, you will find that I got to know Bart by DISAGREEING with him on almost every issue that mattered in the early "Baptist Identity" days. I'm not sure either of us changed our minds on those issues, but we forged a friendship anyway. Folks, when I was a candidate for Second VP a decade ago, Bart endorsed my opponent! (Still haven't fully forgiven you, Bart!) It is not just my friendship with him that is the basis of my recommendation. Yes, I consider him a … [Read more...] about Why I Believe the SBC Needs Bart Barber as President
SBC Voices Contributors – SBC Annual Meeting Chaos Rules Apply
I am headed over to the Anaheim Convention Center (henceforth called the ACC) to register here in a bit. This signals the beginning of chaos season here at Voices. Last year, I think I published 23 articles between Sunday and Wednesday. Others published as well. It gets pretty hectic. To add to the joy, Verizon just limited my phone''s power for overuse. Could get frustrating. Anyway, here are our rules. Rule 1: There are no rules. Rule 2: If you are a contributor, post what you got, when you got it. Don't worry about others. We might post several articles at a time. (If you don't … [Read more...] about SBC Voices Contributors – SBC Annual Meeting Chaos Rules Apply