I've heard the mantra for at least a decade now: "Southern Baptists are known more for the things we are AGAINST than the things we are FOR!" It's a pretty decent applause line for a sermon. I've probably used it myself somewhere along the way. But I'm beginning to rethink the logic behind it, for reasons I will explain. Frankly, I'm not sure we can solve this problem ourselves because the perception others have of us is actually the factor driving the concern. This places us at the mercy of those who have never proven merciful to us in the past. The problem is not so much our position as … [Read more...] about Why I’m FOR Being AGAINST
Meditations of a Woven Theologian
I am hesitant to call myself a Theologian, it sounds a little arrogant, so I am going to let you judge whether or not I deserve that title. I am not sure how one gets the qualifications. That is not the point of my blog, so you can drop a quick comment, but let's not focus on what the qualifications of theologian are. You probably know that I call myself a Wovenist, I have written some blogs about it and shared it in some comments. Dave Miller's recent blog got me thinking more and more about it. The reason I call it Woven Theology is because it's the weaving of man's responsibility and … [Read more...] about Meditations of a Woven Theologian
A Letter To Missions Volunteers
One of the more interesting areas of missions growth in recent years is the influx of volunteers to assist in the international missions efforts. Volunteers have always been around, but the rise of the mega-church has precipitated a parallel increase in the number of people heading to the field on their own dimes. The phrase “mixed blessing” comes to mind. On one hand, volunteers bring new skill sets and boundless enthusiasm for the task and can help break established missionaries out of a long-view rut. On the other, volunteers sometimes bring their agendas, ethnocentrism, and ignorance … [Read more...] about A Letter To Missions Volunteers
Turning “Helps” Into Idolatry
Does God wound thy spirit, does he make it sick, and dost thou seek to unlawful means for help? Dost thou go to thy company, to music, to good cheer, to relieve thee? Oh this provokes God against thee!…those that in trouble of conscience seek for carnal helps, by their vain tampering only render their condition worse. (Jeremiah Burroughs commenting on Hosea 5:14) There is an assumption that Burroughs is making here that some of our readers may not be willing to agree with. Namely, Burroughs assumes (as I do) that God is sovereign and everything that happens comes from His hand—whether it … [Read more...] about Turning “Helps” Into Idolatry
Deafness, Language, Assumptions, and Judges 2:10
Written on behalf of someone I know.... Even though I attended church until I was 16, I didn’t really know the Christmas story. I was clueless about prophecies and fulfillments, about Herod’s political intrigues, about the communicative appearances of angels for Mary, Joseph, and Zechariah. Imperial decrees regarding taxation and census meant nothing to me; the role of the shepherds in the Christmas story was a mystery. When I left the church halfway through high school, I had no idea Christ was the Incarnation, the image of the invisible God. This had nothing to do with the doctrine … [Read more...] about Deafness, Language, Assumptions, and Judges 2:10
Resolution on The Theology of Salvation in the SBC (By Scott Gordon)
Scott Gordon is the pastor of Claycomo Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO. He has previously blogged here at SBC Voices, SBC Today, and his personal blog, SolaGratia! Currently, you’ll most often find him in the comments sections around here or other blogs or on Twitter (@SAGordon). I have submitted the resolution which follows to the Resolutions Committee for the 2012 SBC Annual Meeting in the hope that they would see fit to recommend it to the messengers from our churches in attendance in New Orleans. I have seen and highly respect the effort Chris Roberts has put into the resolution he … [Read more...] about Resolution on The Theology of Salvation in the SBC (By Scott Gordon)
Understanding Antinomy: A Key to Peace in the Calvinism Debate?
The Bible is an interesting book. It is one story authored over thousands of years that tells us the history of redemption by God in Christ. It is the wisdom and guidance of God, a love story for sinful human beings; inspired, infallible and inerrant. The Bible is all of that. And it is also, at times, very confusing. Admit it. There are a lot of passages I just don't understand. There are things God does that boggle my senses and truths taught in the Bible that blow my mind. And to cap it all off, there are verses that seem to line up on both sides of most issues. You know it's … [Read more...] about Understanding Antinomy: A Key to Peace in the Calvinism Debate?
Will Calvinism Shed A Tier?
Dr. Albert Mohler is to be credited for promoting a helpful theological grid which assigns to each doctrine a level of importance for Christian faith and practice. While his theological triage framework is conceptually sound, one cannot help but wonder about the convenience with which he somewhat avoids the placement of Calvinism. In the above article, for example, no specific mention is made of soteriology, unless one interprets it as among "any number of issues related to the interpretation of difficult texts," a classification rendering it in the relatively unimportant third-tier category, … [Read more...] about Will Calvinism Shed A Tier?
Divorce, Remarriage and Ministry: A Summary of Biblical Teachings on Divorce
NOTE: I have just released a book which compiles (and edits and expands) these posts. It is called "Disqualified? What the Bible Says about Divorce, Remarriage and Ministry." It is available on Amazon.com. The Kindle version will be released in the next couple of days - not sure what the hold-up is there. This book reviews the biblical evidence on divorce and remarriage, beginning with the cornerstone in the Old Testament - the twin principles of God's intent of marriage as a lifelong covenant between a man and a woman and the understanding of the brokenness caused by sin. It then lays the … [Read more...] about Divorce, Remarriage and Ministry: A Summary of Biblical Teachings on Divorce
Church, Are We Doing This Right?
I was listening to Francis Chan, and he made an interesting statement. If you started a church today and you had no knowledge of a church, never been to a church and never seen a church, all you had was the New Testament, what would your church look like? That got me thinking, what would a New Testament church look like? How would we behave? What would we do? How would we meet? Where would we meet and how often? Is what we have today really a New Testament church? In the New Testament, how many people came and just sat and left? How many were not radically changed? In today's … [Read more...] about Church, Are We Doing This Right?