I’ve been seeing a lot of criticism of Lifeway’s new curriculum, The Gospel Project, and it all revolves around Calvinism. Of course, I have yet to read a critical article from someone who actually claims to have read any of the materials that are posted online or cited them to prove their accusations. Many claims are made about the curriculum, it’s authors and editors, and Calvinists in general. I’ve identified a few of the more prominent ones: 1. Calvinists are incapable of writing with a broad appeal Judged solely from the negative comments, I’d guess that The Gospel Project is a … [Read more...] about Calvinists and The Gospel Project
What is “The Gospel?”
Odd that the bedrock of the Christian faith has become a subject of controversy among Baptists. "The Gospel." Last night, one of our commenters told another, essentially, "You don't understand the gospel." That's a pretty severe accusation. But I have often heard a more subtle accusation, that many Christians do not understand all the implications of the gospel. You also hear things like, "We need to preach the gospel to ourselves every day." I want to live a gospel-centered life. We need to focus on the gospel in every area of life. So, I thought I would open up a forum here … [Read more...] about What is “The Gospel?”
If Christianity is a fantasy, then keep your real world!
Recently, I was unwillingly copied into a series of emails started by someone who believes that Christianity is not only delusional, but immoral. He scoffs at anyone who believes in God as if we are morons, trapped in a fantasy world. Anyone who is intelligent and insightful should be able to see through the fiction of belief and embrace his naturalistic, non-theistic world. A little more than a month ago I sat in pew in my church and observed a family saying goodbye to their daughter, whose fifth birthday would have been Tuesday. She had been born with a serious genetic disorder called … [Read more...] about If Christianity is a fantasy, then keep your real world!
Grasping the Elephant: Ezell’s Webcast
Josh Collins linked to this webcast. Since we have published a couple of posts here that call NAMB's strategies into question, giving Ezell equal time seems fair. It is confusing though. Everything I am being told by friends and co-laborers who work with NAMB is diametrically different than what Ezell is saying. Are we comparing apples to oranges here? Is each side grasping a different part of the elephant and assuming its the whole thing? What's going on? Anyway, here's the video. DOM/CPC Update - April 9, 2012 from North American Mission Board on Vimeo. Here's the link to … [Read more...] about Grasping the Elephant: Ezell’s Webcast
Bobby Petrino bears witness: Character Counts!
During the Clinton scandals of the 1990s, we heard a relentless refrain from the big media outlets - personal behavior and character do not really count in job performance. They beat the drum that Clinton's all-too-evident personal failings did not affect his ability to do his job well. I call that nonsense. I remember a young pastor I knew who was being touted as "the next Chuck Swindoll" - a great pastor, great preacher, with a growing church and unlimited potential for the future. All of that was true right up until he appeared on the evening news for all the wrong reasons. His … [Read more...] about Bobby Petrino bears witness: Character Counts!
The Root of Angry and Divisive Calvinists: Part Seven
This will be the last installment in this series. Hopefully it has been helpful. One of the greatest critiques that has come to this series is the title. Why in the world would I have titled this Angry and Divisive Calvinists if the real issue is not about Calvinism? Why bother with the potential vitriol that could come from people on either side of the issue? There were three main reasons why I wrote this series and titled it the way that I did: First, I wrote this series for angry and divisive Calvinists. There really are angry and divisive Calvinists. Yes, there are those that … [Read more...] about The Root of Angry and Divisive Calvinists: Part Seven
So, how do we expect NAMB to spend our money? (by William Thornton)
(William's blog, the SBC Plodder, has had some insightful commentary on state and national entities and their spending priorities. Here is another entry from the Plodder questioning the questioners - those who are not happy with NAMB's current spending priorities. Worth a read!) The North American Mission Board is Southern Baptists' second largest entity with a budget for 2012 of $115 million. NAMB gets the second largest slice of Cooperative Program money, about ten percent. Their annual mission offering, the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions, totaled over $56 … [Read more...] about So, how do we expect NAMB to spend our money? (by William Thornton)
The Root of Angry and Divisive Calvinists: Part Six
You probably have a “Mark” in your life. We want to be living in the epilogue and not in the beginning of the story. Here is how to help the “Marks” in your life. If “Mark” is not a Calvinist but is carrying some other doctrine in an angry and divisive manner I think the advice could still pertain. Also keep in mind that I’m a Calvinist who sadly used to be a little too close to Mark. These are some of the things the Lord used in my life—both from Calvinists and non-Calvinists to help me walk more faithfully in step with the Spirit and not be “Mark”. Calvinists helping … [Read more...] about The Root of Angry and Divisive Calvinists: Part Six
A Novel Idea: Respect for Bloggers!
I walked into the room where the webcast for the Gospel Project would be filmed. The extremely cordial workers from LifeWay had told the bloggers that were there to find the cables that had been provided, hook up and go to town with our blogging, tweeting and facebooking. That's when I noticed the "reserved" signs on several of the tables. I started to move away and then I realized something - they were reserved for us! It was surreal. I am used to hearing luminaries of the SBC railing against us, using generalizations that sometimes seem unfair. We can all remember the "bloggers in … [Read more...] about A Novel Idea: Respect for Bloggers!
NAMB vs State Conventions? A Simple Solution
There may be some trouble brewing between NAMB and the leadership in state conventions. You may have read about this growing issue in a Baptist Press article entitled, "State Execs form NAMB study committee." I know from a wide range of personal discussions that there are some folks who are very unhappy with the direction NAMB is taking. I've heard expressions of confusion, frustration, and even anger. The problem is real, as best I can tell. NAMB, and its predecessor HMB, have worked with state conventions on the basis of negotiated partnership agreements. There is a growing … [Read more...] about NAMB vs State Conventions? A Simple Solution