Hey folks, it's time for a new installment of our award-winning "5 Questions with..." series. We've been taking a brief hiatus, one that was not foreknown but was indeed predestined by my fall workload. Today's subject is Fuzzy Goldenblister, an IMB worker for somewhere between 10 and 15 years. He's roguishly handsome, erudite, and cooks a mean mac-and-cheese with peanut brittle casserole, but he possesses almost zero people skills. We caught up with Fuzzy as he was polishing a turtle in the back yard. 1. Looking back at yourself and the IMB, what lessons did you learn or mistakes did … [Read more...] about 5 Questions with….an IMBer in Contemplation of Past and Future
Dads, Show Them His Glory
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. As I was reflecting on the life of Augustine these words took on a little different shape for me. I have always read these words as if Paul is saying, “don’t be a jerk to your kids, but instead bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” As if Paul is saying here, “Be nice to your kids and make sure you tell them about Jesus”. I still think that is a good part of what Paul is saying. I think he is speaking of tender nurturing and discipline and admonition in … [Read more...] about Dads, Show Them His Glory
How Quickly It All Goes By: A Meditation for Young Whippersnappers
The prophet Isaiah compared people to grass, which springs up quickly, flourishes, then dies down as the days grow cold. Life, even long life, passes quickly. I am feeling that so strongly this year. In the blog world, I'm an old fogey. Of course, I'm way younger than CB Scott, but most of you who read this fall into the general category of what I call young whippersnappers (a term originally used to describe Matt Svoboda, but since expanded to refer to all you youngsters who are pastors but only recently had to begin shaving!). I was one of those about a week and a half ago. It seems … [Read more...] about How Quickly It All Goes By: A Meditation for Young Whippersnappers
Musings on Resolutions (updated)
This post is modified from one that appeared two years ago on sbcIMPACT. “Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God’s help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ’s sake.” Thus begins the list of Jonathan Edwards’ Resolutions, written prior to his fame or the Great Awakening, at the end of his Master’s studies. I seldom if ever write out resolutions for the New Year. I fear I’ll give up or forget partway through January, merely calling criticism on myself for failing to … [Read more...] about Musings on Resolutions (updated)
“Pleased as man with men to dwell”
This line from the song “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing” is one of my favorites from all Christmas songs. This line, from a later verse of the song, speaks of Christ in a rather poetic (and memorable) fashion that makes the ear tingle and the heart raise. I think one of the reasons why hymns have been losing their edge in public worship, besides the style of music itself, is the work it takes to understand them. Just singing the words “Veiled in flesh the Godhead see” is impossible to understand without a thinking brain rearranging the words to get: “See the Godhead veiled in … [Read more...] about “Pleased as man with men to dwell”
Younger Pastors and the Hope of a Future in the SBC
Dr. Albert Mohler shares why Southern Baptists should be thankful for the rising generation of younger pastors. Here is an excerpt: Tonight I spent a really encouraging few hours with a group of younger pastors — men who are being greatly used of God to reach their own generation and far beyond. That experience made me really thankful, and also led me to think about why Southern Baptists should be especially thankful for the rising generation of young pastors. 1. They are deeply committed to the Gospel and to the authority of Scripture. 2. They love the church. 3. They are gifted … [Read more...] about Younger Pastors and the Hope of a Future in the SBC
New Years Resolutions
Happy New Year! Have you ever noticed how, right after the holidays, all the fitness centers start advertising on television to cash in on all those who make New Year’s resolutions to get fit? For some reason the start of a new year inspires the world much more than just the start of a new month, or even a new week. Not that making healthy changes about anything is bad, but resolutions (as the world makes them) are the stuff of man-made moralism anyway. The right perspective to have is the one God gives us. In Lamentations 2:22,23 we read, “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His … [Read more...] about New Years Resolutions
Do You Make New Year’s Resolutions?
New Year seems like a redemptive holiday to me. A blank slate. A fresh start. A new chance to break some bad habits and start some good ones. For a long time, I was an ardent New Year's Resolutionist! I would sit down and makes plans and write down my goals and hopes for the year. Then, I realized something. This year's resolutions look a lot like last year's. 1) Spend more time in personal Bible study and prayer. 2) Lose 30 pounds (or 40, or 50, 0r 75 - this one has fluctuated over time). 3) Finish several of the book projects I have growing spider webs on my hard … [Read more...] about Do You Make New Year’s Resolutions?
Local Baptist Churches Win Coveted “Most Calvinistic Association” Award
In the midst of the Calvinism/Arminianism storm, a few voices of reason have appeared in the Hickory Stump Baptist Association. Pastor Cal Johnson, author of such books as “Total Depravity: A Study of In-Laws,” and “Irresistible Grace and the Boston Red Sox” is leading the charge towards a purer form of Calvinistic teachings. The key issue on which the pastor has based his appeal? Voting for church membership. “Anyone who has been predestined to be saved will be saved. Since being a Christian apart from the local church is anti-biblical, it follows that anyone who is predestined to be … [Read more...] about Local Baptist Churches Win Coveted “Most Calvinistic Association” Award
Do Not Make God a Priority for 2012
Okay…so we’re at the end of another year and getting ready to start the next. It is around New Year’s that people tend to think about their past year and evaluate what they did well and what they did poorly, so they can make resolutions for the year to come. Here’s a resolution I think all faithful Christians should commit to: in the upcoming year, and all the years left to come in our lives, we will do everything we can to not make God a priority. Now before I get ran off as some sort of heretic, consider a few things: “In the beginning, God.”—the first four words of most English … [Read more...] about Do Not Make God a Priority for 2012