“Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person”. (Matthew 15:10-11) Translation: All foods are clean. I, Jesus, am declaring by my own authority that the ceremonial laws of Leviticus 11:1-47 no longer apply. We eat our pork chops and read through this very quickly without thinking about the offensive and sweeping claims that Jesus is making here. He is overturning over a millennium worth of history and tradition. That would be like going into a deeply traditional Southern Baptist church and … [Read more...] about Should the Scarecrow Scream
Herman Cain Suspends Campaign
Herman Cain suspended his campaign today. Not sure what that means, but I think it is clear - he's not going to be president. I'm not sure we know the truth now or whether we will ever know the real truth. Did he sexually harass women and carry on a long-term affair with another woman or is he the victim of another character assassination by the hit-and-run media in America (and perhaps a political hit by campaign rivals)? I don't know. But the political nomination process has become a bloodsport that produces one winner and a lot of broken lives. Is this the way we really want to do … [Read more...] about Herman Cain Suspends Campaign
A Football Playground
In an effort to keep our discussions focused on other posts, I thought I'd throw this up in case you want to talk trash. I think we all join in hoping that Georgia will rise up and smite the Tigers so that BAMA will be excluded from BCS bowl contention. I just love those things on which we all agree. … [Read more...] about A Football Playground
Thank God for Mark Driscoll
NOTE: Since much of the discussion seems to focus on some questions about Driscoll's continuationism, you might want to hear what Driscoll says, not just what people say he says. I have linked, at the end of this post, to a discussion he had with Douglas Wilson below. Driscoll is far from some wacked-out crazy, folks. He is a non-cessationist. He believes in the operation of supernatural gifts today. Listen to Driscoll, not just those who attempt to shape him as some kind of nut. I don't like everything Mark Driscoll says nor the way he says it. Not my style. I'm more suit and tie, … [Read more...] about Thank God for Mark Driscoll
The New Math of Forgiveness
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” -- Luke 23:34 Nothing hurts like hurting about hurts that make you hurt others. What a compound of pain that leads us to do unto others because something was done unto us and we've come all undone over it. So, we hurt and we cry and we ask ourselves why. And we hide and we run and we pray and we seek and we rise and we walk and we declare ourselves done. And then we see . . . we're not. For the carnage lies along the trail we yearn to leave behind and it calls out to us, to which we can only, in exhaustion … [Read more...] about The New Math of Forgiveness
“Red and Yellow, Black and White” – Why Must We Magnify Our Differences?
"Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world." That song has been a staple in Sunday Schools since I was wearing diapers, and long before. And it expresses a noble theme - that the love of Christ is not racially-based. Jesus saves people from all over the world. In fact, back in the early sixties, when I was singing the song in Sunbeams and Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, the message was radical and counter-cultural for many Baptists across the … [Read more...] about “Red and Yellow, Black and White” – Why Must We Magnify Our Differences?
Advent Reflections: Doug Hibbard Discusses His New Devotional Book
Today we break new ground here at SBC Voices as we interview one of our own. Anthony Russo recently talked with fellow SBC Voices contributor Doug Hibbard about his new book, Advent Reflections: The Gift Cycle, available here on Amazon.com's Kindle Store for only .99 cents. Here’s what Doug had to say: Anthony Russo: For those who may not know you, tell us a little about yourself. Doug Hibbard: My name is Doug Hibbard. I am a pastor of a church, First Baptist Church of Almyra, Arkansas, in the eastern prairie of Arkansas, on the edge of the Mississippi Delta. I didn’t grow up here, I … [Read more...] about Advent Reflections: Doug Hibbard Discusses His New Devotional Book
Office and Gifts, are you an Apostle?
My Lead Pastor shared something with me in his sermon prep, and he spoke about it during his message, and I want to share it with you. I think it's great, and I want to share what he shared with me. And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers. Ephesians 4:11 In each of these terms, there is an office. The office of Apostle is no longer in function, one of the requirements to have the office of Apostle was to see Jesus. Now I suppose that Jesus could appear to someone as He did to the Apostle Paul, who calls himself one "abnormally born", but … [Read more...] about Office and Gifts, are you an Apostle?
IMB’s Lottie Moon Videos: A GREAT Promotional Resource
I love Lottie. One of the greatest privileges of being a part of a Southern Baptist church is the joy in asking people to celebrate Christmas by giving sacrificially and generously to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Where can you get more bang for your missions buck - when you give to Lottie, people hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. I do not believe that is hyperbole. I simply don't understand churches that don't go all-in for Lottie. Did I just violate some kind of Baptist law by using a poker reference concerning the Lottie Moon offering? I don't care. … [Read more...] about IMB’s Lottie Moon Videos: A GREAT Promotional Resource
Pastor to Pastor: A Reader Asks for Advice about Pastoral Counseling
I received this question from one of our readers and I thought I would just put it out there for discussion. It has to do with the counseling ministry. I've been approached by a couple needing marriage counseling, they are not a member of my church and they live about an hour away, I was wondering how some of the commentors including yourself handle counseling of people outside your church? Do you offer counseling to anyone who asks for help or only to members? What issues do you tackle yourself and what issues do you refer to professionals? What kind of counseling do you … [Read more...] about Pastor to Pastor: A Reader Asks for Advice about Pastoral Counseling