I sat at my computer today and cringed. In light of the recent (uh, hmmmn), blog competition in which I failed, I was forced to wonder about my writing. Not because I did not make it to the next round of competition. No. Actually, I received a record collection of votes for a little old grandma from the plains of Oklahoma. All the more a marvel, since my competitors are well-known, highly educated men of God in the theological and religious world. Competing in the "Madness" was more for recreation and frivolity. I knew I stood no chance. I had fun badgering my Facebook buds who had … [Read more...] about Blogging, Networking, and Purpose
Autonomy of the local church?
The Arizona Southern Baptist Convention provides sample bylaws, articles of incorporation, property deeds, and other legal documents for church plants. One of the clauses in these documents is a reverter clause which transfers all the church's assets to the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention in the case that the church ceases to be a Southern Baptist Church. My own church has such a clause in their bylaws, but they are not nearly as strict as the current templates available. This language is encouraged for all churches and is required for church plants to get support from the convention. I … [Read more...] about Autonomy of the local church?
The Bogeyman Myth of the Hateful Bigot
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. Luke 23:34 I have been told the church was mostly silent on that day. Evidence of my ongoing struggle with homosexuality was presented, a vote was taken and I was declared unfit to be a member and removed for the destruction of my soul. I was not there that night, but instead was angry and alone in the darkening end of a long and frightening day, as they proclaimed me unworthy of them. Oh . . . my soul. And all that is within me. Since that fateful vote, I … [Read more...] about The Bogeyman Myth of the Hateful Bigot
Mark Driscoll: “Hell Is the Wrath of God in Effect”
I have heard people talk a lot of trash about Mark Driscoll (mostly insinuation and the rehearsal of old stories). I have to admit that I've not spent hours researching the man, but this I know. Every time I've listened to his sermons or read his teachings, I have been impressed with the theological accuracy, the uncompromising commitment to even unpopular biblical truth, and an amazing ability to communicate. Anyway, here is a clip on our topic du jour. … [Read more...] about Mark Driscoll: “Hell Is the Wrath of God in Effect”
God Does Not Answer Prayer!
Since we've all been discussing heretics recently, I thought I would rework a post I put up over at sbcIMPACT! I hope when you are done, you will forgive me the title! I would request that you put down your stones for a moment and hear what this heretic is trying to say. I do not believe that I am advocating heresy and I am certainly not recommending that we abandon prayer. The title was provocative, and intentional. I risked the wrath of my readers to make a simple point about prayer, one I feel is important. Actually, if you get a hold on this principle, it might actually be a … [Read more...] about God Does Not Answer Prayer!
What It Is to Be Offered (from John Bunyan’s Writings)
(Dr. Roger D. Duke brings us another excerpt from the writings of John Bunyan. Dr. Duke is cowriter with Phil Newton of "Venturing all on God: Piety in the Writings of John Bunyan." This volume is one of in the Profiles in Reformed Spirituality series of Reformation Heritage Press and is slated for publication sometime in 2011.) “WHAT IT IS TO BE OFFERED” A Portion of Mr. Bunyan’s Exposition of 2 Timothy 4:6-8 Taken from PAUL’S DEPARTURE AND CROWN [1] [2] Paul, by saying he was ‘to be offered,’ alludeth to some of the sacrifices that of old were under the law; and thereby signifieth … [Read more...] about What It Is to Be Offered (from John Bunyan’s Writings)
Limiting Your Audience: SBC Pastor’s Conference
This is the second part of a two-part series on how Hollywood and others limit their potential audiences. You can read part one, Limiting Your Audience: Janeane Garofalo and Criminal Minds, on Howell's blog, fromlaw2grace.com. You would think that leaders of the first GCR Era Southern Baptist Convention Pastor's Conference -- scheduled to debut in Phoenix this June -- would desire to have the biggest possible audience for this annual event. Knowing that the southwestern location would itself limit the number of pastors who could attend, one might assume that the Aspire 2011 SBCPC would … [Read more...] about Limiting Your Audience: SBC Pastor’s Conference
2011 Blog Madness (Round Two)
The opening round had its share of drama, but we are ready to move on to the second. The top pick in each division below will advance to the finals. This round will close next Thursday 31 March 2011. This round has now close.... click here to see the finals. Southeast Division EdStetzer.com B21 // contending for the faith Founders Ministries – Tom Ascol Mike Leake – Borrowed Light [polldaddy poll=4782118] Southwest Regional MicahFries.com Church Matters: The 9Marks Blog Denny Burk Reformissionary – Steve McCoy [polldaddy poll=4782123] West Regional … [Read more...] about 2011 Blog Madness (Round Two)
A Thousand Sleepless Nights
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping? Brother John, Brother John? Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing Ding ding dong, ding ding dong. "I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil.” -- Job 3:21 I love the promise of peace in each new day, but I will not forget the dark of the sleepless nights of sorting through a sin-dominated past seeking the softness of a forgiving dawn, which came only through the freedom of finding grace. The dark nights would end with tints of orange and red and brightening gray as through the bedside window I would see the sun … [Read more...] about A Thousand Sleepless Nights
Where two or three are gathered…
Matthew 18:20—probably one of the most oft quoted and yet misunderstood verses I can think of. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them (ESV). It is a great promise of Jesus along the lines of Matthew 28:20, “behold I am with you always!” He is the Lord who will never leave us or forsake us and indeed he dwells among us as we gather together in his name. But…I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve heard this verse referenced to somehow comfort us in the fading numbers of a Wednesday night prayer meeting (which, by the way, I’d like someone to give me a good … [Read more...] about Where two or three are gathered…