Author's note: This post was adapted and reworked from a post I wrote for my personal blog: Jeofurry's Jesus Journey. For those who would want to ask, Jeofurry is an old, but unique, nickname I was given in HS. A few months back in our Thursday night Bible study, we were working our way through Hebrews and the end of chapter 10 into the beginning of chapter 11. Most believers remember Hebrews 11 as the "Faith Hall of Fame" or some similar moniker. But we sometimes forget the faith embodied by those mentioned there. It wasn't perfect or flawless. The men and women cited there were … [Read more...] about You Probably Heard that Love Is, but Faith Is a Verb Too
SBC Blog Madness 2011
It's time for another epic tournament of Southern Baptist blogs. This has become an annual high mark in the SBC blogging conversation. Prizes have not been disclosed yet, but we're doing what we can to make it interesting. This round will close next Thursday 24 March 2011. The top four in each division will advance to the next round. … [Read more...] about SBC Blog Madness 2011
Review of David Platt’s “Radical Together”
David Platt’s first book Radical has already changed the lives of many people, and this change has impacted several churches. Many churches have used Radical as small group material, and many will be observing Platt’s six hour Secret Church simulcast. (Our local church is one of them). On April 19 Platt will release his second book, Radical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of God . Radical was an urgent plea for individual Christians to take back their faith from the American Dream. This offering is an urgent plea for churches to reshape their vision and … [Read more...] about Review of David Platt’s “Radical Together”
If You Haven’t Seen This Tsunami Video Yet
It is stunning. Here's the deal - watch the video for 6:22 seconds and as you do, pray for the people whose lives have been devastated. Pray for Christians and their response. Just pray. … [Read more...] about If You Haven’t Seen This Tsunami Video Yet
Is It “Christian” to Feel Like You Have No Way Out?
This piece originally appeared on my blog in November 2010. I'm grateful for a chance to give a wider audience. May the Lord use it to His glory and, perhaps, to your comfort if you are in a place of uncertainty today. -AR Once when I was unsure what to do about a matter, a pastor I love and respect reassured me that, "God is not the author of confusion" (1 Cor 14:33). I took comfort in the reminder that the Lord loves His children, He does not play head games with them. But, I admit that I walked out of that pastor's office confused about confusion. Look at what Paul says in 2 … [Read more...] about Is It “Christian” to Feel Like You Have No Way Out?
Lessons from the Animal Kingdom by Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr
Editor: Dr. McKissic is well-known and respected among Southern Baptists. This article was written in response to issues raised here at SBC Voices and on other blogs. I offered this respected brother in Christ the chance to state his views related to this recent debate. The largest animal the Jews knew in biblical times was a camel, as the gnat was the smallest. Jesus said, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! …Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!” (Matthew 23:24) “Straining out a gnat” describes the custom of the strictest sect of Pharisees who strained … [Read more...] about Lessons from the Animal Kingdom by Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr
Blog Madness 2011: The Last Day is Upon US!
Contrary to those doubters, the final day has come! Wednesday is the last day to nominate your favorite blog to make the tournament Blog Madness will begin later this week, with the 4 regionals and first round voting. Nominate up to 10 blogs. Even if someone else has already nominated them, you tell us who you like. If a blog gets multiple votes it is more likely to find its way into the tournament. I will be home around 11:00 PM Central Time tomorrow night and will close the nomination process and we will get the tournament going. NOMINATE! NOMINATE! NOMINATE! … [Read more...] about Blog Madness 2011: The Last Day is Upon US!
Evangelism. Storying. Gospel. Sex-Offenders. (by Ricky Kirk)
Editor: Ricky Kirk, a pastor from Ohio, blogs at Panta ta Ethne, where this post recently appeared. Thanks for sharing this with us. Our church as recently been studying/exploring evangelism as we prepare for an upcoming revival and Easter weekend. I am modifying material from several sources and approaching evangelism as something more than the Romans Road or the rote memorization and sharing of a few particular verses. I am also challenging our church to have a greater understanding of God's overarching story of the Bible, so we have covered God, creation, man, fall, Christ, and … [Read more...] about Evangelism. Storying. Gospel. Sex-Offenders. (by Ricky Kirk)
“G.O.S.P.E.L.” An Old Fogey LIKES It!
I had a playful argument with my daughter yesterday about whether is such a thing as Christian rap. It is hard enough for me to go and hear my son's Christian rock band (earplugs help), but I'm an old fogey and rap just ain't my cup o' tea. She reminded me that I was, in fact, a hopelessly old codger who just doesn't get it. Then, I saw this on Timmy Brister's blog today. I was left with one conclusion - I was wrong. This is one of the best presentations of the gospel you are going to hear. G.O.S.P.E.L. from Humble Beast Records on Vimeo. Powerful gospel … [Read more...] about “G.O.S.P.E.L.” An Old Fogey LIKES It!
SBC presidents and the Cooperative Program (by William Thornton)
Editor: William Thornton is the SBC Plodder and a keen observer of SBC life. This is a repost from his site. What shall we say about SBC leadership and their support, or lack thereof, for our grand Cooperative Program? Here is a summary of the past SBC presidents and their Cooperative Program support over the past 32 years: Less than 4%: Rogers, Smith, Stanley, Vines, Young, Elliff, Merritt, Graham, Hunt, Wright. Above the contemporary average: Draper (7%), Chapman (11%), Henry (10%), Welch (15%), Page (12%). Between 1979 and 1992, the year the Conservative Resurgence was … [Read more...] about SBC presidents and the Cooperative Program (by William Thornton)