There have been a lot of great discussions around here about the GCR and a lot of good things written. A lot of my experience in SBC life has shown that we are good at focusing on and developing strategies for evangelism and winning people for Christ. The GCR seems to be the latest push, alongside GPS (can we get some acronym love around here?) for bringing people into the Kingdom of God through soul-winning efforts and more church choices. I don't think that our problem comes from not being able to share our faith when it comes to soul-winning. We have so many methods for sharing our … [Read more...] about A GCR Necessity: A Recipe for Making Disciples
Genesis 3: Temptation, the Fall, and Gender Roles
There is great conflict in the modern church, even among evangelicals, about gender roles in the home and at the church. While there are extremes on both ends of the spectrums, evangelicals tend to fall into two groups. Egalitarians assert that the Bible regards all people equally and does not assign different roles on the basis of gender. Wives are not obligated to submit to their husbands, nor are pastoral or other church leadership roles limited to men. Complementarians believe that while men and women have equal value and standing before God, we have been assigned different roles. … [Read more...] about Genesis 3: Temptation, the Fall, and Gender Roles
A Proposal for Dealing with Westboro
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Romans 12:19 It is clear from the discussion of Dr. Thomas White's post, that we all agree with this proposition: The Westboro group is not Christian, not Baptist and not even a church. They are false - publicity hounds who preach a message of hate that twists God's Word and gives the church a black eye in the process. The discussion was odd, because we had people who normally argue about just about everything who were uniting to condemn the Westboro … [Read more...] about A Proposal for Dealing with Westboro
Thank You, Andy Pettitte
I feel a lot of sadness tonight, and a little joy. You may not know this, but I am a fan of the New York Yankees. I don’t make a big deal about it, so most people don’t even know that I’m a fan of the Bronx Bombers. It is a sad day for Yankee fans. One of our greatest pitchers has hung up his glove. Brian Cashman announced today that Andy Pettitte will not be pitching for the Pinstripes in 2011. That made me feel sad. I spent 18 years passionately cheering for a team that never seemed to get it done. After our stirring win in 1978, we lost a heartbreaker to the evil Dodgers in 1981, … [Read more...] about Thank You, Andy Pettitte
Thomas White on “The Group at Westboro”
Thomas White has written an excellent essay called "The Group at Westboro." He has given me permission to copy it here. His blog (Thomas White) is worth reading regularly. He is a professor at Southwestern Seminary. That group has never claimed to be Southern Baptist, but by having Baptist as a part of their designation, they paint all of us with their shame. Dr. White has written powerfully to show that this group is neither Baptist nor a church. Here is Dr. White's article. The Group at Westboro If I told you that I was a bird, you might have your doubts. After all, I don’t look … [Read more...] about Thomas White on “The Group at Westboro”
Being Southern Baptist in a Northern Latitude and Attitude
I grew up in the south, where there was a Southern Baptist church on seemingly every corner. I was raised in an SBC church that was a scant 1/4 mile from our house. We were part of an association that spanned a couple of counties and included dozens of churches plus our own associational church camp. I grew up in that SBC church and when I entered college I was active in BSU (I think it is called BCM now) and surrendered to the ministry and began to serve in various SBC churches. I was part of a small rural church (less than 50 members) and I was part of a large mega-church and that was … [Read more...] about Being Southern Baptist in a Northern Latitude and Attitude
Does the GCR Stand a Ghost of a Chance?
Before I begin, let me say I am in support of the Great Commission Resurgence. I think it’s a great thing, and we need to focus our ideas, resources and tool on reaching out. I have already posted on the things I think will hinder the SBC from really seeing a movement of God from the GCR, and I don’t want to hash that out again. What I want to look at is simple. Does the Great Commission Resurgence have a chance to really move the SBC forward in outreach, or is it just great propaganda? Here are some things I would like to discuss and toss around. If the SBC is a bottom up … [Read more...] about Does the GCR Stand a Ghost of a Chance?
Brick Wall Questions: Are “They” Real Christians?
When people consider the concept of the Brick Wall, questions arise as they attempt to identify which groups are inside the brick wall and which are on the outside looking in. The rubric I am using divides everyone into two groups – genuine Christian groups and those that have compromised the gospel. There are always a few groups that seem to defy easy placement, testing the limits of doctrinal compromise. Any metaphor, such as the one I am using here, has its limits. Many of these groups defy easy categorization. Privacy Fence Doctrine? I do not want to get too cute with the … [Read more...] about Brick Wall Questions: Are “They” Real Christians?
2010: A Grace Odyssey
I will always be one who looks back. Out of my past, with all its levels of conjured contentedness concealed between cushions of deceit, I draw my emotion. In the losses, I find my determination. In the pain, I uncover energy to search for the truth of healing. In the regret, I discover grace. Out of the stupidity of ill-conceived actions and words, I hunger for wisdom. In the layers of the past, I see the unfolding of the future. On some days, it is as if I am still there; on others it is as if I never was. Such is an Odyssey of Grace, a clumsy reconciling of sin and shame with healing and … [Read more...] about 2010: A Grace Odyssey
How Does It Work?
Have you ever noticed how many ideas in the Christian faith seem more hypothetical than concrete? Things like “fall into the arms of grace” or “just give it to God”. What do those look like really? Are they things that have meat to them, or are they just things we say and have no idea what they really mean? How do you fall into grace, or give something in-material to a spiritual being? There are lots of things that we say are hard to define and pin down, but I think it’s symptomatic of a larger issue. We have tried for two thousand years to define Salvation, but I am not sure we … [Read more...] about How Does It Work?