Chuck Warnock On Pentecost, the community that was divided by God at the Tower of Babel is recreated in the miracle of communication at the coming of the Holy Spirit. Babel Revisited Acts 2:1-21 1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled … [Read more...] about Pentecost Sermon: Babel Revisited
Kevin DeYoung: Realities Indeed
The following is a post by Kevin DeYoung. A lot of our readers are pastors so I thought it would be good to post here. The gospel minister must help his people live well. But more importantly, he must prepare his people to die well. Those of us who are young and healthy can scarcely imagine what comfort the gospel of Jesus Christ provides for dear saints in their dying days. John Newton tells a story of visiting a young woman who died too soon from “a lingering consumption.” She was wise, but plain. She could read her Bible, but had read little else. Newton supposes she never traveled … [Read more...] about Kevin DeYoung: Realities Indeed
This Won’t Hurt a Bit
This Won’t Hurt a Bit By Thom Hunter -- There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!" -- Aesop's Fables The sunshine this morning is so brilliant through my office window that I almost need sunglasses to focus on the keyboard. The cloudless sky spreads from a softness along the horizon to a taken-for-granted pureness at its unlimited heights above. The breeze is gentle and all seems as it is … [Read more...] about This Won’t Hurt a Bit
“Perspectives on the World Christian Movement”
Since its initial publication in 1981, the missions anthology Perspectives on the World Christian Movement has been read (or skimmed) by countless seminary and college students, missionaries, and interested lay people. In my case, I got to read it in both undergrad and graduate classes (with detailed quizzes to ensure I hadn't skimmed!). As my wife and I pursue God's call on us to missions, I wanted to share some of the best of this huge volume with her. So essentially, which essays would one find most vital from this huge series (I have the 3rd edition in case anyone wonders)? If you … [Read more...] about “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement”
Dave Miller and Matt Svoboda Played Golf Today: Who Won??
It was a beautiful day in Sioux City. … [Read more...] about Dave Miller and Matt Svoboda Played Golf Today: Who Won??
A Great Commission Resurgence End-Vision
A GREAT COMMISSION RESURGENCE END-VISION By Dr. Rodney L. Hammer I’d like to express deep gratitude for the work of the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force. They have demonstrated courageous leadership in helping us evaluate how we move forward with greater focus. I support each recommendation of the GCRTF Final Report and pray we will embrace the challenges. I’d like to suggest our SBC family also consider adopting a “SBC 2020 End-Vision”. An end-vision can be called a picture of a preferred future. While not comprehensive in detail, such a picture revealed to us from the … [Read more...] about A Great Commission Resurgence End-Vision
Am I Better Than You?
Have I always lived in perfect harmony with others? Have I never pointed a finger of judgment at another living soul? Have I looked at brothers and sisters in Christ with eyes of a merciful Savior or with judgmental eyes of man? When I stand before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account for what I have done in the body, will there be a single time I could be ashamed of myself? Have I completed every task? followed through on every commitment I ever made? Told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Always? Do I keep secret the gifts of tithes and offerings I … [Read more...] about Am I Better Than You?
Book Review: “Radical” by David Platt
Book Review- “Radical” by David Platt Following blogs and the general “word” on the ‘Net around the 2009 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting, I kept hearing one surprising piece of information that didn’t involve convention motions or politics. The general buzz concerned a sermon at the Pastor’s Conference by a pastor from Alabama named David Platt. After opening his sermon with quotations from the Psalms calling for praise, Platt challenged those present (and who would later listen or watch electronically) that we as churches and as a convention had the choice to “die in our … [Read more...] about Book Review: “Radical” by David Platt
Liberty University, SBC of Virginia and Ergun Caner
In Ergun Caner is a real ex-Muslim, I challenged the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia to be wise stewards of God’s cooperative program resources and prayerfully consider if Liberty University is bringing God glory. I did this because I assumed that the SBC of Virginia was supporting Liberty University financially. I was wrong. Brandon Picket, Director of Media Services for SBC of Virginia has contacted me to correct my misunderstanding of the relationship between SBC of VA and Liberty University. Since 2000, Liberty University has been a ministry partner of SBC of VA, approved … [Read more...] about Liberty University, SBC of Virginia and Ergun Caner
Charting a GCR Future for NAMB
*originally posted here. As I think about what it might look like to be part of a convention of churches which is radically, aggressively, sacrificially giving itself to the cause of Gospel advance I cannot help but be excited! However, thinking through the implications of Christ’s call to come and die as He expects us to “take up our cross and follow” Him, I cannot help but think that we are failing in our effort to advance the Kingdom of God. How else do we explain having the Gospel, in its present form, for almost 2,000 years now and still seeing a third of the globe’s population unable … [Read more...] about Charting a GCR Future for NAMB