I was reading Philemon today. This book in the New Testament is very small and contains just one simple chapter containing a letter from Paul to Philemon. Yet its purpose of instruction is mighty! Onesimus was a slave and he had run away. Some commentators say that he had stolen from his owner and then ran away but as Paul only states "if he owes you anything" I can't say that I agree completely with their assessment. However, the main purpose isn't really about how or why Onesimus became separated from Philemon. The main purpose is that Paul is trying to be of service by being a good … [Read more...] about Being a Good and Godly Influence
Open Mouth, Insert Foot
Over the last month, some of you have asked about my editorial policy for SBC Voices. So, I want to give everyone a snapshot of what I'm thinking. It many not clear up the confusion, but it should give you some idea of what to expect. What Is Our Editorial Perspective? First, let me state plainly that I want this blog to encourage discussion and even disagreement. My intent is to be as open as possible when including voices from Southern Baptist life. Of course I will take any actions needed to preserve the integrity of the site. But in general this blog is about what people are saying, not … [Read more...] about Open Mouth, Insert Foot
Podcast With Michael Spencer
I first met I first met Michael last Spring, when he was in Louisville on Sabbatical. He's not a denominational superstar, which is one reason I wanted to do this podcast. I also appreciate the unique perspective he brings to Southern Baptist life. Michael Spencer is the campus minister at a Southern Baptist boarding school in Kentucky and known online for his blogs InternetMonk.com and Jesus Shaped Spirituality. He is a longtime Southern Baptist, having graduated fro Southern Seminary and having served in several Kentucky Baptist churches. Download Mp3: Michael Spencer Podcast Here are … [Read more...] about Podcast With Michael Spencer
Open Letter to All Pastors of Churches in the SBC
Dear Pastor, Let me first clarify that this letter is for Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) pastors in general. I am well aware that what you are about to read does not include all pastors – at least not in totality. I also write this from the perspective of having been a pastor myself and therefore include myself as an addressee. I look around the SBC and see, hear, and read about how the SBC is in decline. Resolutions come out saying regenerate membership must be our focus. Conferences are convened that decry the faults of various theological models of soteriology. Mission boards … [Read more...] about Open Letter to All Pastors of Churches in the SBC
After the Election
You woke up on November 5th and you weren't very happy with your newly elected official (insert whoever YOU voted for if he wasn't the guy the rest of the free world chose) that the majority of the People elected to lead our great country. What happens now? Do you rant and rave about how ignorant those other folks were? Do you let fear and worry set in about what might happen to your future, or your children's future? We might be tempted to lean in that direction but if we are smart then we will dig into the Word of God and let Him be our guide. The first thing you have to remember is that … [Read more...] about After the Election
...are you the cause? I was reading Ephesians and it said, “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God [do not offend or vex or sadden Him], by Whom you were sealed (marked, branded as God’s own, secured) for the day of redemption.” Eph. 4:30. Preceding that verse there is a list of things that are quite offensive to the Holy Spirit: foul or polluting language, evil words, unwholesome or worthless talk. In fact, it states that our conversation be “only such speech as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a … [Read more...] about WHEN GOD GRIEVES…
I Wish I’d Prayed More
My family grew up watching Billy Graham specials around the television. The nights that he was preaching were the only nights that the children were allowed to stay up late on a school night. My husband and I have continued that tradition with our own children. If Rev. Graham is on, we watch him. Several years ago, Rev. Billy Graham did a sit down interview before one of his sermons. Out of everything he said, the one thing I most remember was "I wish I'd prayed more." I was in awe that he would humbly admit that and I wrote the quote and the date on a piece of paper and stuck it on my … [Read more...] about I Wish I’d Prayed More
Interview With Les Puryear
Les Puryear is not president of the Southern Baptist Convention. He's just an ordinary pastor who God has been using in an unusual way over the last year to encourage other ordinary pastors. Les is the kind of SBC voice that we want to amplify in the life of the denomination. >> Download Mp3 here << You can learn more about Les on his blog titled "Joining God In His Work." He also writes for SBC Impact. You can also check out the 2009 Small Church Leadership conferences. See more links at the bottom of this post. Why You Should Listen To This Podcast Although he was … [Read more...] about Interview With Les Puryear
Podcast Interview With Johnny Hunt
I was excited to learn about a new podcast for Southern Baptists being produced by the Baptist 21 blog. Their first interview is with SBC president Johnny Hunt is now online, you can listen to it here. Also, I have several original podcast in production for SBC Voices - watch for the first one later this week you can now listen to my interview with Les Puryear Listen To Other SBC Podcasts NC Baptist Insight Imonk Podcast Said at Southern Podcast achieve Founders Ministries Podcast LifeWay Research Podcasts … [Read more...] about Podcast Interview With Johnny Hunt
Are We Still Leading The Fight Against Poverty?
I am grateful for the strong tradition of social conscience among Southern Baptists. This is seen clearly in nearly every state Baptist convention, NAMB and globally in our World Hunger Fund. It's even written into our Baptist Faith & Message, in article XV The Christian and the Social Order: All Christians are under obligation to seek to make the will of Christ supreme in our own lives and in human society. Means and methods used for the improvement of society and the establishment of righteousness among men can be truly and permanently helpful only when they are rooted in the … [Read more...] about Are We Still Leading The Fight Against Poverty?