I was listening to Francis Chan, and he made an interesting statement. If you started a church today and you had no knowledge of a church, never been to a church and never seen a church, all you had was the New Testament, what would your church look like? That got me thinking, what would a New Testament church look like? How would we behave? What would we do? How would we meet? Where would we meet and how often? Is what we have today really a New Testament church? In the New Testament, how many people came and just sat and left? How many were not radically changed? In today's … [Read more...] about Church, Are We Doing This Right?
Dave Miller, Rick Warren, Mark Driscoll and Peter Lumpkins
Family is an interesting thing. For the most part, you don't pick your family, you show up into the world with people that stay in your life and you have no say in the matter. The church can be like that. We become part of the family and look around and see who else is in the body with us. Many times we find people we connect with and click with. Sometimes we find ourselves at odds with people, and sometimes we find people we just don't agree with, but love anyway. I have some brothers who I love dearly but I just don't always agree with. I don't agree with everything that Rick Warren … [Read more...] about Dave Miller, Rick Warren, Mark Driscoll and Peter Lumpkins
The Body or Not?
I have had some trouble lately with some pain. It's been a little random through my chest and abdominal area, often a stabbing pain, sometimes a burning feeling, but ever pleasant. I have had tests and labs and appointments to try to find out what the issue is. They are beginning to suspect I have an ulcer or maybe a couple of ulcers in my stomach and esophagus. Last year I had some surgery on my stomach and esophagus to repair a problem, and it seems to have ulcers in the same area. What I have discovered which this and my other stomach and esophageal issues is, when you mess up part of the … [Read more...] about The Body or Not?
Just Love your Wife
There has been a lot of talk about sex lately thanks to Mark Driscoll. I actually like Driscoll, I think he says some good things, but there things he says that stir up controversy. I just ignore those things myself. Back to the point, there has been lots of talk about this book he wrote on sex. I think it's a great thing, I have several books on intimacy that I have acquired at conferences and things. Driscoll didn't say anything out of the ordinary, many books state very similar things. We just got all up in arms because it's Mark, and he's said bad words and said he has visions (which … [Read more...] about Just Love your Wife
The Battle of Scripture
I have noticed a disturbing occurring that happens far too often. I have noticed most in the Calvinist/non-Calvinist argument, but it seems to pop up all over the place. It's the shoot out using the supporting Bible Verse. We disagree, we quote scripture and then someone else trumps out scripture with one of their own. For a denomination that claims to believe in inerrency, i can't help but wonder what we are thinking about. As believers, can we really use scripture to contradict scripture when we say that scripture never contradicts? What example are we showing people who visit the … [Read more...] about The Battle of Scripture
Is a National Network the Right Way to Go?
There is lots of talk lately about NAMB and Acts 29 and the power of a church planting network. If the desire is really to move towards more of a church planting network, then I submit one basic question. Why make it a national network? It's clear that we plant churches different with different strategies in different places. Things that work in Iowa don't work in Arizona. You can't plant a church in Mississippi and Oregon with the same strategies. We live in different areas of the country, and if nationizing doesn't work for the Federal Government, why do it with Church … [Read more...] about Is a National Network the Right Way to Go?
The Generation Gap
I was honored to serve on a group to help a friend do a Doctoral Project on Emergent and Incumbent leaders. It turned out to be much of a generational thing, and what happens when 2 generations, mostly boomers and busters collide. I still talk with many of the people I was in that group with, both emergent and incumbent leaders. As I have served in ministry, I have found that the more time passes, the more the generations become separated by differences. Technology has changed my generation and the generation after me a great deal. I have noticed a few things in observation, and I want to … [Read more...] about The Generation Gap
Is This the Abundant Life?
I was at a conference a while ago and heard Josh Hunt speak and teach about Sunday School growth. In that conference he made a statement that has really stuck with me. He said “every day I get up, I think 'yes, this is that abundant life'”. He was referring to John 10:10. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I have had to ask myself each day, am I living the abundant life? When I wake up each day, do I feel like I am really living and I am focused and living in Christ? I admit, I get grumpy. I get moody, and I focus way … [Read more...] about Is This the Abundant Life?
Try to be a little more supportive
I have discovered that it is so much easier to be a Pharisee than a disciple. You can probably relate, but many of you would never admit it (that was tongue and cheek, don't get mad). You see, a Pharisee makes rules and then expects everyone to abide by them. A disciple hears the rules of the Master, lives by them and encourages others to live by them. They encourage others to "follow me as I follow Christ". The difference seems to be how we approach people. We like to beat folks into submission sometimes, don't we? We have some standards and ideas, and most of them are good. The … [Read more...] about Try to be a little more supportive
The Problem with “Modern Discipline”
My wife and I have had a unique opportunity lately, taking classes in order to become foster parents. In the classes, we have seen and heard the modern secular humanist ideas of what "discipline" is. This is the model used by the public school system. It's a mockery that they call it discipline, because it's anything but. The basic premise comes from your friend Abraham Maslow, who made a hierarchy of needs. His basic premise, however, is totally flawed. It begins with humans who are "good" and if they have their needs met, they will achieve more and be better. This this flawed … [Read more...] about The Problem with “Modern Discipline”