Fox News and Baptist Press are both reporting that the Southern Baptist Convention was the victim of an internet hoax today in which self-identified members of the "Southern Baptist Conference" announced that the EC had changed its position and would now support gay marriage. Here is the BP Link. Here is the Fox News Link. The "news release" included false quotes from several SBC leaders. It might be nice in the next few weeks to be very careful about any quotes we see out there made by Baptist leaders on the subject. No point in writing about it extensively here. Follow the … [Read more...] about The “Southern Baptist Conference” Gay Marriage Hoax
An Old Fogey Rants about Sports
I was a soccer player before soccer was cool (in high school and college in the 70s). But I can't stand watching it on TV now. This is why. And women's tennis (men's too) has become almost unwatchable because of all the grunting. I used to be a pretty proficient tennis player. I might have whined about bad calls, but I never thought it necessary to grunt - not once. I love a good dunk. I dunked a basketball once. Once. The rim might have been an inch low. I could get my wrist to the rim, but had trouble holding onto a basketball enough to "throw down." But I love a good … [Read more...] about An Old Fogey Rants about Sports
Wiley Drake, Imprecatory Prayers and President Obama
Wiley Drake made headlines over the last year, not just in national news when he announced that he was praying for the death of the president of the United States. He claimed biblical authority for his prayers, based on David’s imprecatory psalms. “If he (Obama) does not turn to God and does not turn his life around, I am asking God to enforce imprecatory prayers that are throughout the Scripture that would cause him death, that's correct." “Imprecatory prayer is agreeing with God, and if people don't like that, they need to talk to God. God said it, I didn't. I was just agreeing with … [Read more...] about Wiley Drake, Imprecatory Prayers and President Obama
The Mohler/Homosexuality Debate Continues…
Two excellent articles which take varying sides of this debate have been written by card-carrying members of the SBC Voices family. It is interesting that intelligent and cogent arguments can be made on both sides of this. I am greatly relieved to find out that Howell Scott was sick during the convention. I thought he was just avoiding me as I tried to find him. Glad he's better and writing good articles (even if he continues to be the counterpoint to some of my points). Go to "From Law to Grace" to find his article "Southern Baptists & the Homosexual Culture." Earlier today, … [Read more...] about The Mohler/Homosexuality Debate Continues…
“Immigration and the Gospel” – the SBC’s Real Controversy
Since we left Phoenix last week, the buzz has been about the Peter Lumpkins question and Al Mohler's response. We have dissected the exchange, analyzed them, autopsied them and elevated it to legendary status. However, if Peter had not gone to the microphone during the SBTS report, we might have spent this time talking about the resolution on immigration, which was the most pointed discussion we had at the convention. Here is the Resolution in full for you to read, and I will have some comments below. ON IMMIGRATION AND THE GOSPEL June 2011 WHEREAS, The Kingdom of God is made … [Read more...] about “Immigration and the Gospel” – the SBC’s Real Controversy
Al Mohler’s Response to Peter Lumpkins: The Complete Video
Here is it, folks. You can watch the entire exchange and make your minds up. Fair warning, emotions are running high on this issue. This site will not be hosting a "bash-a-thon" for either participant in this exchange. Let's deal with the content of the discussion (well, the question and the answer.) … [Read more...] about Al Mohler’s Response to Peter Lumpkins: The Complete Video
Leaving Las Vegas (tomorrow – and Phoenix today)
I am more encouraged about the direction of Southern Baptists and their future than I have been in a long time. Reading blogs you can get an enhanced sense of our division and splintered nature. We do indeed face real problems and challenges, no question about it. But I think that there is a growing sense of unity among certain groups (there are those who are determined to fight - and they have legitimate points to make) but there is a sense of optimism here that may or may not have come through the feeds. Bryant Wright did a great job. There was neither much controversy, nor any … [Read more...] about Leaving Las Vegas (tomorrow – and Phoenix today)
Is it a New Day for Baptists and Homosexuality?
There is a protest going on here by pro-homosexual groups. It's not much of one - I haven't even seen it, except on twitter. They say that we are purveyors of hate and discrimination, oppressing homosexuals out of hatred, fear and bigotry. On the other hand, there are those who claim that key leaders in the SBC are compromising in their views on homosexuality. Yesterday, a homosexual recovery group (which our friend Thom Hunter works with) was given time on the stage to describe their ministry. I can't flesh this out much, but I think that there is a new approach developing. Here is … [Read more...] about Is it a New Day for Baptists and Homosexuality?
Guidestone and Obamacare
OS Hawkins gave an impassioned explanation of how Obamacare will gut and destroy private healthcare plans and especially how destructive it would be to church and denominational plans. He urged us to vote next year to elect folks.who will defeat Obamacare . Most political statement so far. But he made a lot of sense. … [Read more...] about Guidestone and Obamacare
Immigration Brouhaha at SBC
We took a significant ballot vote a few moments ago. A resolution was presented about immigration and an intense debate ensued between law and order approaches and redemptive view. The key question is whether illegals should have an opportunity to become legal. Passionate debate on both sides and the vote was so close a ballot vote had to be taken. Results this afternoon. … [Read more...] about Immigration Brouhaha at SBC