Ergun Caner had a pretty funny series of tweets today about the expected but unfulfilled apocalypse. erguncaner Ergun Mehmet Caner Wow, heaven is beautiful. Sorry this took so long. Should've known ATT has no service in heaven. Hell has 4 bars tho- 46 minutes ago erguncaner Ergun Mehmet Caner WAIT! Where'd everybody go? Oh I gotta fight Nicolae Carpathia... 1 hour ago erguncaner Ergun Mehmet Caner Today at 6pm, we need a whole bunch of you to go outside and BLOW A TRUMPET really loud. Atheists will … [Read more...] about On the Other Hand…
Reflections on the Impending Apocalypse
The day has arrived in which Harold Camping will be shown to be a prophet of God or revealed as the false prophet most of us think he is. I just did a short sermon at our Upward Soccer end-of-season celebration and I joked a little about it. And some of you read the post I put up here two weeks ago today about this. But now, I'm sick of it. I'm tired of hearing about Harold Camping and I'm tired of joking about it. Most of all, I am tired of the cause this has given the scoffers to scoff. So, here are my thoughts about this thing right now. 1) I don't believe Harold Camping. He … [Read more...] about Reflections on the Impending Apocalypse
The Church: Why?
Another gem from Igniter Media. … [Read more...] about The Church: Why?
The Biggest Problem is THEM
I spend an inordinate amount of my time writing blog posts, reading them, administrating this site and commenting. I have formed an opinion about Southern Baptists that I would like to share with you. I believe I have identified the real problem, the biggest problem in the SBC. First, two observations: 1) Southern Baptists (at least the blogging kind) are often kinda angry people. I observe blogging and I am simply amazed at the anger that comes through. From all sides at all sides. 2) Just about everyone considers themselves the victim of the other side. Calvinists are being … [Read more...] about The Biggest Problem is THEM
An Excellent Article
Howell Scott is an excellent blogger and has a post up today which is well worth reading if you are following this whole discussion. In it, he takes some issue with Micah's post yesterday. As always, Howell's article is worth reading. The article is entitled "Jerry Nash, SBC Today and a Chill Wind a Blowing." I would also encourage anyone who has not yet to read Dr. Steve Lemke's four part series on the future of the SBC which appeared at SBC Today. If you go to SBC Today, there are links to the articles in the sidebar. … [Read more...] about An Excellent Article
Southern Baptist Identity: An Examination and Proposal
I was a student at Dallas Theological Seminary in 1979 when two momentous events occurred. First, I was able to attend my first SBC Annual Meeting, one that was in every way historic. Adrian Rogers was elected president and the denomination began several years of struggle and transformation. Another event transpired that year - the Chicago Council on Biblical Inerrancy convened to define the term that has become such a political and theological hot potato. Back at school in the fall, my theology prof was talking about the findings of the Chicago Council. I asked him a question. "Dr. … [Read more...] about Southern Baptist Identity: An Examination and Proposal
SBC Today’s Editorial Response to the Nash Controversy
The editors of SBC Today have published their response to the controversy that has surrounded the article they published last week in which Dr. Jerry Nash called on Calvinists and non-traditionalists in the SBC to leave the denomination. I wrote an article last week confronting the Nash article and Micah Fries wrote an article today questioning the involvement of New Orleans Baptist Seminary and the Baptist Center in the blog. In the article, the editors countered criticisms by asserting that they publish a range of viewpoints and that their "About SBC Today" disclaimer made it clear that … [Read more...] about SBC Today’s Editorial Response to the Nash Controversy
Finishing Well to the Glory of God: A Book Review
This book review originally appeared Wednesday at sbcIMPACT! If you know someone who is entering the twilight of life, or who is facing a terminal illness, you need to see that they receive a copy of Dr. John Dunlop's book, "Finishing Well to the Glory of God" published by Crossway. It is available from Amazon for less than $11, from CBD for $12, and from Crossway as a download for $10. It is well worth it. Dr. Dunlop practices medicine in Zion, IL and has come face-to-face with some of the ethical and moral problems that modern medicine has created. Should we fight death to the finish, … [Read more...] about Finishing Well to the Glory of God: A Book Review
The More Excellent Way! Paul’s Solution for a Splintered SBC
Paul had some great churches that he had planted, but he had one dysfunctional fellowship that he was continually correcting and trying to set back on the right path - the church at Corinth. Corinth was a splintered church in just about every way. For goodness sakes, they even found a way to observe the Lord's Supper in a divisive way! Paul corrected their arrogant, divisive attitudes, their immorality, their wrong attitudes about marriage, their disagreements over matters of personal conscience, their abuse of the Lord's Supper. Then, in 1 Corinthians 12, Paul addressed their divisions … [Read more...] about The More Excellent Way! Paul’s Solution for a Splintered SBC
Let Us Hope that Exclusionary Attitudes Do Not Prevail in the SBC
Jerry Nash is the Director of Missions of the Harmony Baptist Association in Trenton, FL. He is, I'm sure, a man of God who loves Jesus and serves him faithfully. But in the article he published at SBC Today on Monday, entitled "Hold the Hearse, I Have an Idea!" he demonstrates to me a spirit of arrogance, exclusion and anger that is causing the splintering of the SBC of which I wrote last week (here and here). I want to be clear. I think the spirit and tone of the Nash article is precisely what is splintering the SBC. I am confronting it here because it was published at SBC Today. It … [Read more...] about Let Us Hope that Exclusionary Attitudes Do Not Prevail in the SBC