Battle blogging - that describes a lot of what we do, doesn't it? Battle blogging is the us vs. them, good guys and bad guys, we-have-to-win mentality. "They" are the enemies of truth, justice and the American Way, and I am Superdave, avenger of justice, able to leap tall blogs in a single bound as I defend the Baptist world from those who would destroy it! I'm through with it. A Little Introspection You may get tired of my self-reflective blogs about blogging. But for me, blogging a big deal. It's not a past-time, it is a significant ministry. So I think about it a lot. Is … [Read more...] about Why I Am Retiring from (Battle) Blogging
Review of Trained in the Fear of God
There is a classic story (that probably has Jewish roots) about a new bride that is cooking her first big dinner for her husband. She decides to go with a recipe that has stood the test of time; a roast that was passed down to her by her mother, who in turn had learned it from her mother. Part of the recipe called for cutting off the ends of the roast. The husband, is astonished by this. He asks, “why in the world do you cut off the ends of the roast? That is the best part!”. Her reply is simple, “That’s the way my mom always made it”. There is a classic story (that probably Later on … [Read more...] about Review of Trained in the Fear of God
Respectful Audacity: A Proposal for Prayer
Respectful audacity. That particular phrase is not one that springs to mind when pondering prayer. Perhaps it should be something we consider. In Exodus 33, we can read an account of Moses' boldness. Moses had previously ascended the mountain to receive God's laws. Back at the base, the people grew impatient and crafted for themselves a golden idol. Moses returned and disciplined the people severely. He moved his tent outside of camp and spent time there communing with God. Starting in verse 12, Moses begins to beg for God to teach him. He says, "Please, if I've been good … [Read more...] about Respectful Audacity: A Proposal for Prayer
Ruminating on Race: Will a Colorblind Convention Ever Be a Reality?
I was watching coverage of the trade yesterday between the Broncos and the Jets. A nearly unknown quarterback (Tim something) was traded to the Jersey Jets for draft picks, in a move reminiscent of the Romans sending innocent Christians to the Coliseum to battle wild beasts. Tebow has been the subject of more debate than any other player I can remember. Supporters have accused John Elway and John Fox of conspiring against Tebow, possibly for reasons of faith. Tim is an outspoken Christian (an understatement), which endeared him to some and annoyed others (even some Christians). But what … [Read more...] about Ruminating on Race: Will a Colorblind Convention Ever Be a Reality?
“Ego autos anthropos eimi!”
Apologies for the weak transliteration throughout: Wordpress won't do the Greek font my computer will. Yep, the last one was in Latin and this one is in Greek. It actually started as the Facebook status the Greek Professor at Ouachita Baptist University posted yesterday, and I thought it was worth reposting. Now, I'm going to take his thought and grow it a touch. The rest of his statement was this: that this should be the response of any pastor when someone tries to put us on a pedestal:Ego autos anthropos eimi! It's from Acts 10:26 when Peter is with Cornelius. After Cornelius has … [Read more...] about “Ego autos anthropos eimi!”
Is This the Abundant Life?
I was at a conference a while ago and heard Josh Hunt speak and teach about Sunday School growth. In that conference he made a statement that has really stuck with me. He said “every day I get up, I think 'yes, this is that abundant life'”. He was referring to John 10:10. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I have had to ask myself each day, am I living the abundant life? When I wake up each day, do I feel like I am really living and I am focused and living in Christ? I admit, I get grumpy. I get moody, and I focus way … [Read more...] about Is This the Abundant Life?
A Look at Jesus Messiah
For a while now I’ve thought about doing a special discipleship group or evening presentation about some of the songs we sing and what they teach us about God, the church, and the gospel. I’ve written once or twice about what songs communicate, and I’d like to look at another one that many of us have either heard on the radio or sung in church: Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin. Video | Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin Verse 1 This verse is made up of just a few short statements, each of which tells a fundamental truth of the gospel. The words themselves are drawn from 2 Corinthians … [Read more...] about A Look at Jesus Messiah
Christianity and Atheism in an Age of Science
I and some other men have been talking to a young man who joins our church gatherings. Recently, he said, “I want to believe but I don’t know if I can. As I see it right now, I have a 50/50 chance that either atheism or Christianity is true, and I’m just not sure which side to believe.” He later asked if one day he decided that Christianity is wrong and atheism is right, would he still be welcomed at our church? “Of course…” We also have another young man who faces the same dilemma, though he seems closer to belief. If he rejected Christianity he would likely choose deism as opposed to … [Read more...] about Christianity and Atheism in an Age of Science
Try to be a little more supportive
I have discovered that it is so much easier to be a Pharisee than a disciple. You can probably relate, but many of you would never admit it (that was tongue and cheek, don't get mad). You see, a Pharisee makes rules and then expects everyone to abide by them. A disciple hears the rules of the Master, lives by them and encourages others to live by them. They encourage others to "follow me as I follow Christ". The difference seems to be how we approach people. We like to beat folks into submission sometimes, don't we? We have some standards and ideas, and most of them are good. The … [Read more...] about Try to be a little more supportive
Blue Collar Blog Madness: Round Two – SWEET Sixteen!
There are sixteen blogs left in our Blue Collar Blog Madness: That's SWEET! Congratulations to those who made it through to round 2. Actually, the voting was so close - a lot of blogs came within a vote or two (or three) of making the second round. It's been a great tournament so far. In this round, you only get to vote for one blog. You don't get to vote more than once, but you can certainly encourage your friends to vote! Hope you get into the spirit of things. Voting will be open all week, ending sometime Sunday. Here are your sixteen round 2 blogs... Golden Gate … [Read more...] about Blue Collar Blog Madness: Round Two – SWEET Sixteen!