Trevin Wax has done it again. This four part interview with Dr. Danny Akin should be required to get in the door at the SBC this summer. It's not, but I might make a motion to that effect. So, you can get a jump by reading it now. Danny Akin Interviewed By Trevin Wax A Vision for Missionary Theologians: Interview with Dr. Danny Akin (Part 1) Turning around the SBC: An Interview with Dr. Danny Akin (2) Great Commission Resurgence: An Interview with Dr. Danny Akin (3) SBC Calvinism and Evangelical Cooperation: An Interview with Dr. Danny Akin (4) … [Read more...] about Trevin Wax Interviews Danny Akin
Denominational Reform The Odysseus Way (Why I’m Undecided About The GCR)
Undecided. That is as much as I can say about the GCR. I've read the blogs, heard the podcasts, and asked around - but I still don't really get it. Let's just say I'm coming to Louisville with a lot of questions marks. At face value, the GCR statement says some good things. About 90% of it would get a nod from any Southern Baptist. No SBCers are going to argue against the Bible, Jesus, and the Great Commandments. It's like preaching a hard point in your sermon. You get the people moving in your direction. You get the AMEN corner warmed up. Then at the decisive moment, you throw in … [Read more...] about Denominational Reform The Odysseus Way (Why I’m Undecided About The GCR)
Name Your Top 5 Predictions For The 2009 SBC Annual Meeting
After following the annual meeting for a few years, I've noticed that there is always a few surprises. This is good because it gives us bloggers something to talk about. Louisville is getting close, so here's your chance to put your foot into your mouth. What Do You Predict For The SBC 2009 Meeting? Here is what I expect, correct me in the comments and leave your own predictions. They will vote for a study committee to explore merging IMB and NAMB. They will vote for a study committee to explore the name change. They will keep pressure on State Conventions to send more CP down to … [Read more...] about Name Your Top 5 Predictions For The 2009 SBC Annual Meeting
Is Post-Christianity All It’s Cracked Up to Be?
Anyone who has spent much time around Christian literature and the work of the church knows that there is a great propensity to develop terms which receive pop culture status in certain circles. Words like 'emerging', 'organic', and 'purpose-driven'. Another term which is quickly climbing this later, even into the secular realm, is 'post-Christian'. Blog posts and magazine articles and books are all coming out with 'post-Christian' emblazoned into their heading. Yet the danger that always comes with such sexy phrases is the distinct possibility that they will be used so widely as to end up … [Read more...] about Is Post-Christianity All It’s Cracked Up to Be?
If You Had To Choose: Advance 09 or the SBC Annual Meeting?
Timing matters . . . especially when trying to pull in young mission-minded pastors. These are the guys who attend events for encouragement and learning rather than career advancement. These are guys who see the local church as the focus of God's work, rather than denominational reform. I'm not anti-SBC, I'm just wondering how people would choose between attending the Advance 09 or the LoveLoud SBC annual meeting. Any thoughts? Update: You can listen to Advance 09 on the Desiring God blog. … [Read more...] about If You Had To Choose: Advance 09 or the SBC Annual Meeting?
Do Potty-Mouthed Pastors Belong In The SBC?
I just caught this video blog from Ed Young Jr. dealing with the rise of pastors who cuss. He does a good job making the case for wholesome words without appealing to legalism. It reminded me of this next video by Paul Tripp, where he explains why the heart motive behind cuss words is what matters most. Now, I could imagine that Paul Tripp lost some "influence" in certain Southern Baptist circles and schools when that video made the rounds. Which brings me to the question behind this post title. How much flexibility should we have toward fellow pastors who use blue collar … [Read more...] about Do Potty-Mouthed Pastors Belong In The SBC?
BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH by selahV Can a person be lost because they pray and believe Jesus saves him? If he confesses his sin and is cleansed from all unrighteousness trusting in God's Word, can he still be lost? If you believe you are saved because God's Word says you are saved, and you think you are saved, can you still be lost? Are you concerned that some people will "think" they are saved when they aren't, simply because they prayed a prayer? Can a person who "thinks" Jesus saves by grace and grace alone, still be lost even though they "think" it. For me? I trust in God's Word as … [Read more...] about BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH
Dealing With Legalism
Here is a great quote on legalism from Chuck Swindoll: "The problem with legalists is that not enough people have confronted them and told them to get lost. Those are strong words, but I don’t mess with legalism anymore. I’m 72 years old; what have I got to lose? Seriously, I used to kowtow to legalists, but they’re dangerous. They are grace-killers. They’ll drive off every new Christian you bring to church. They are enemies of the faith. Other than that, I don’t have any opinion! So, if I am trying to force my personal list of no-no’s on you and make you feel guilty if you don’t join me, … [Read more...] about Dealing With Legalism
Win an Autographed Copy of Dr. Moore’s Adopted For Life
Terry Delaney is giving away a signed copy of Russell Moore's new book Adopted for Life. Just go to his website and leave a comment on his review of Adopted for Life. Terry really - really - really likes the book. He writes: Every pastor must read this book. I dare say that anyone who calls upon the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior needs to read this book. Never before has the glory of the doctrine of adoption been laid out in such practical terms of the adoption of children. The Resurgence is also giving a way 3 copies but you have post some kind of picture on Facebook. … [Read more...] about Win an Autographed Copy of Dr. Moore’s Adopted For Life
7-Word Devotions
Between blogging and Facebook and Twitter, many people have turned to the internet to express themselves in very personal yet very public ways. Chances are good that you are doing this in some way yourself. Yet what do we really wind up saying? What we’re eating? Where we are going? How our favorite sports team is doing and why that dramatically impacts our ability to cope with life? With all the possible avenues of communicating, in the end we often wind up saying very little. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In his book, Brothers, We Are Not Professionals, John Piper … [Read more...] about 7-Word Devotions