When unconditional and denominational elections collide from 5SOLAS I plan on being in Indianapolis and it is my prayer that God will show His grace upon a denomination that does not deserve it. It is my prayer that He will bless us with a zeal for His glory and for a love for one another that does not come at the expense of doctrinal fidelity. It is my prayer, but I am not optimistic. May God show me to be wrong. Vietnam church granted legal recognition from IMB News This historic development is expected to encourage future evangelism and church-planting efforts in the country. The True … [Read more...] about Southern Baptist Bloggers In Their Own Words #2
TULIP Blooming: Christianity Today Stops To Smell The New Southern Baptist Calvinism
The Calvinist Resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention is drawing national media attention, I'm sure it won't be the last time. Christianity today has written a length article that deals with Calvinism in the SBC. They quote a pastor from the Arbuckle Baptist Association and several denominational leaders. Read the whole story for yourself - here's the tasty final quote: "The totality of history shows the vast majority of Baptists have not been [Calvinists], so why go back to the founders?" Page said. "I think we need to go back to the Bible." HT: Denny Burk Timmy Brister has … [Read more...] about TULIP Blooming: Christianity Today Stops To Smell The New Southern Baptist Calvinism
Southern Baptist Bloggers In Their Own Words
I'm still experimenting with the Baptist Buzz Backlog and what format would best highlight the posts. Today, I give you Baptist Bloggers in their own words. The advice I receive generally falls into two categories: give up and let the para-church ministries reach these kids or throw money at them doing fun things with lots of give-aways. I’m not willing to do either one of those. Read Church-based College Ministry from sbc IMPACT! So, let us together thank many in the EC movement for their reminder of the importance of right behavior, but let us together endeavor to not miss the … [Read more...] about Southern Baptist Bloggers In Their Own Words
R. Albert Mohler Jr. Answers The Calvinism Criticism
Getting into politics is like inviting the whole world to clean your closet, or at least rummage around a bit. For better or worse, this holds true for Southern Baptist politics. In January they announced R. Albert Mohler Jr. would be nominated for Southern Baptist Convention President at the Annual Southern Baptist Meeting this June in Indianapolis, Indiana. (We need to shorten all those names!) The Anti-Mohlers wasted little time. Within a week, many questions were raised about his character, theology and leadership abilities. Most of this was excepted. What surprised me was the … [Read more...] about R. Albert Mohler Jr. Answers The Calvinism Criticism
Baptist Buzz Backlog 1/14/08
Here are some of the best Southern Baptist blog posts form the last week. Every day I scan my all known SBC Voices and link to the best posts, typically 3-5 per day. I hope to turn this into a weekly feature for SBC Voices each Friday, so be sure to get our RSS feed or subscribe to SBC Voices by Email. The Calculus of Worthiness from Praisegod Barebones Toward an SBC Reform ‘Platform’ (I): “A Contract with... from Agree to Disagree Agreeably FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW from SelahV Today Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: An Amazing Breakthrough... from The Ethics & … [Read more...] about Baptist Buzz Backlog 1/14/08
Recipe For Baptist Buzz
So, what makes a blog post worthy of making my Baptist Buzz links? This whole project is still in the early stages; the official blog launch is still several weeks away. I’m still working out an exact formula, but here are my general principles. Has it generated comments? An easy way to measure a posts impact is reader reaction. Normally, I select posts with at least 10 comments. Although I make exceptions based on the other factors. Is this a substantive post? I’m looking for posts that require more than a quick scan. Despite the popularity of the snipe style posts – they are a … [Read more...] about Recipe For Baptist Buzz
Paige Patterson’s Story Of The Conservative Resurgence
Dr. Paige Patterson’s small book on the Conservative Resurgence is now online at BaptistTheology.org. It is a free PDF download: Anatomy of a Reformation Public images and portrayals notwithstanding, most conservatives do not enjoy controversy. Like everyone else, they wish to be loved and appreciated by everyone. But our understanding of the history of the impact of the uncritical use of critical methodologies upon the churches and their missions has led us to believe that faithfulness to Christ and to the revelation of God in Scripture is more important than human approval. Without … [Read more...] about Paige Patterson’s Story Of The Conservative Resurgence
Church Reform, Politics, and Highview’s Missions Plan: Southern Baptist Buzz
This week started off with several hot topics around the Southern Baptist blogosphere. Here are a few posts that caught my eye tonight. Church Reform - Doctrine from Hammer and Nail Eric Carpenter has begun a helpful series on church reform. His first installment looks at the crisis of doctrine that plauges much of modern Christianity. He also offers several suggestions to begin the reform. Huckabee, Obama win in historic Iowa vote from The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission The ERLC has released some lengthy statement on the Iowa victories by Huckabee and Obama. The post has … [Read more...] about Church Reform, Politics, and Highview’s Missions Plan: Southern Baptist Buzz
Welcome To The First 231 SBC Voices
I'm still working to add more, but I wanted to take a break and send trackbacks to all the blogs I'm listing so far. … [Read more...] about Welcome To The First 231 SBC Voices
New Feature: Baptist Buzz
I was trying to hold back until February, but the big news coming out across the Southern Baptist blogosphere today was too much to ignore. I've activated the "Baptist Buzz" feature in the right sidebar. This is an elite selection of links to SBC Voices posts/articles that I found compelling. This is the first editorial content here, but I trust it will be fair and balanced. Basically, I am scanning all 180+ feeds and cherry picking the very best articles that have convention wide relevance. Feel free to email me (TonyKummer@gmail.com) or leave a comment to let me know what you … [Read more...] about New Feature: Baptist Buzz