A couple years ago we launched a 31 day challenge for husbands to be intentional about praying for their wives. We followed this up with a challenge to pray for sons, daughters, and for wives to pray for their husbands. We even partnered with Tim Challies to do a 31 Days of Purity challenge. You can check all of these out by going here.
I say “we” because this really has been a group effort. I started the pray for your wife challenge anticipating about 50 guys to join me. I was amazed to see that number reach the thousands. Our format was simple.
First our intention is to put a FACE on praying.
- Focus—I need to know what specifically to pray or I’ll just keep praying the same things over and over again.
- Accountability—I need a group of people to keep me accountable and remind me daily to passionately pray.
- Challenge—I need to be challenged to go deeper in the way that I pray. A community of other people praying will help shape my prayers.
- Encouragement—Sometimes we pray for things and God’s answer is slower than we like. We need encouragement to keep praying.
If you need these things too I want to invite you to join us in prayer. Starting on Monday November 9th we will begin a new 31 day challenge of praying for our local church. Whatever local church God has placed you in, I want to challenge you to spend the next 31 days praying for the local body of Christ where God has placed you.
Here are steps to take in joining with us:
First, join the 31 Day Pray For Your Church Facebook group. It is a closed group so you’ll have to ask for an invite. If you have any problems email me ( mleake792 [at] students [dot] sbts [dot] edu)
Secondly, get the word out. All of our churches need prayer. This is one way to encourage you to do just that. Retweet this post, like it on Facebook, do whatever you can to involve more and more people. Friends, we need a community like this to put a FACE on our prayers.
How Will it Work?
Every day I will post a particular focus for our prayers along with a sample prayer. You can comment with your own prayers, etc. Also you will be challenged to “like” that status if you prayed for your church that day, as a means of accountability. I also would love to share testimonies of what the Lord does through our prayers for our church.
Will you join us?