Are you a put together person? Do you have training, experience, know how and talent? Do you have an all go, no quit attitude? Have you never given up, never walked away and never surrendered? That's good to know, I would prefer you not partner with me in any ministry venture or activity. If you have it all together, just do your own thing. If you are flawed and broken however, if you mess up and are broken, call me. If you lack talent, sometimes fail, want to quit and often don't have the answers, we should work together. If you have failed, quit, run, been hurt or wounded, then you are in … [Read more...] about No, I Don’t Got It Together
Did I See You At The Pole?
I dropped my daughter off at school this morning and I was overjoyed to see the kids around the flagpole. I was saddened that this year I couldn't join them. What a great event, a great stride for Christians having prayer in public school, which is 100% legal if you do it right. There is great opportunity for Christian activity on public school campus if it's done correctly. Items like the Equal Access Act give Christian students a right to have Christian clubs if the school allows any other clubs. It opens the door for great opportunity. We need Christian students who will stand up for … [Read more...] about Did I See You At The Pole?
I Can See You
I saw a Twilight Zone episode years ago about a man who was being punished by being marked. That mark meant that he was functionally invisible, no one could talk to him, address him or help him. He had no interaction with anyone for a year. Sometimes I feel like I am stuck in that episode, like I am seen, but not really seen. More than that, I think the church sometimes does a lousy job of making people functionally invisible. We don't mean to do it, it just sort of happens. Unwed moms, we often just turn away. People who are hurt by the church and become fringe members, as long as we still … [Read more...] about I Can See You
Responsibility Vs Control
I want to depart from the SBC Controversy for a minute, and talk about something a little more nuts and bolts, hands and feet. As you may or may not know, I am in some transition that wasn't necessarily when or how I would have made it, and that has result in a little discomfort. There are two concepts at war within me. The first is my responsibility to provide,to move forward, to take care of things. The other side is trusting God and letting Him have control. How does this work? I am not going into all the nuts and bolts of my situation, I want to deal with the larger issue, because I … [Read more...] about Responsibility Vs Control
Counterfeit Fruits
In many churches I have seen and been a part of, it seems we have a set of fruits that are not spiritual, yet we portray them as such. I will admit that many of these I have struggled with, these false fruits. These fruits are often damaging to our ministry if they are recognized to be false fruits. There are many false fruits that exist in our lives and ministry, I will list a few that come to mind and ones that have left a foot print (or a boot print) in my life (or backside). 1. Leadership. Leadership is a good thing, and there is no shortage of books, classes and resources on … [Read more...] about Counterfeit Fruits
The Future of the SBC
As I think about the future of the SBC, I think about the leaders, the decisions and the direction. What is happening today, will it be continued and build upon, or will there be a new direction? Will things change and make sweeping changes? Will all the decisions and direction of today be wiped away in 20 years? I guess you will have to ask the leaders who will be leading in twenty years. That will be. . . me and my friends. Scary thought isn't it. At the risk of losing all credibility, I am 35 years old. I have waited for the day I'll be old enough to be taken seriously, but I … [Read more...] about The Future of the SBC
Why Wovenism isn’t just Calvinism repackaged
As I have written on my theological system, Woven Theology, and I have been asked by some people how it's different from Calvinism. There are lot of similarities, but as many differences. I will try to unpack them, and I realize in doing so I will upset some people. The reason for this is my first reason for abandoning the current theological labels. They don't adequately describe the beliefs held by a group of people. As soon as you say "Calvinist believe. . . " someone well say "I'm a Calvinist, and I don't believe that." I am going to make some wide general statements concerning … [Read more...] about Why Wovenism isn’t just Calvinism repackaged
Church should be a TEAM activity
As I have been in and around churches, I have served in several capacities, I found that churches often struggle with balance. Some are great at outreach and stink at discipleship. Some are great at ministry, but the worship is lacking. Some have great Sunday School but no real community ministry. Some how powerful preaching but lack ministry to members. Balance is a hard thing to accomplish, and often I see it as a result of the pastor's personality and style. The pastor leads, the flock follows. Pastors, leaders and teachers need to develop a TEAM approach. First, a church must be … [Read more...] about Church should be a TEAM activity
Are You A Teddy Bear?
When is the last time someone called you gentle? If you are anything like me, it may have been a while. Most men, a good number of women and most leaders (regardless of gender) are often less than gentle. There is a honor and dignity for being hard, harsh and forceful. There doesn't seem to be a lot of respect for being gentle. Unfortunately, the church has taken a cue from the world on this one, and gentleness goes out the window. There are some overwhelming problems with this tendency. First, I think it's forgotten that gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit. That means when we are not … [Read more...] about Are You A Teddy Bear?
A different perspective of Limited Atonement
So you all know by now that I am not a Calvinist, I am a Wovenist, but as a Wovenist, there are some attributes of Calvinism that I agree with. Wovenists affirm election and predestination without destroying man's choice and responsibility. In my Bible Reading, I am continuing to develop the theological points of Wovenism as I find how God continues to intersect with us. One of the things I have always been torn about is Limited Atonement. I know and believe that Christ died for the whole world, and His blood could cover the sins of every person who ever existed. The the other hand, the … [Read more...] about A different perspective of Limited Atonement