I have heard people talk a lot of trash about Mark Driscoll (mostly insinuation and the rehearsal of old stories). I have to admit that I've not spent hours researching the man, but this I know. Every time I've listened to his sermons or read his teachings, I have been impressed with the theological accuracy, the uncompromising commitment to even unpopular biblical truth, and an amazing ability to communicate. Anyway, here is a clip on our topic du jour. … [Read more...] about Mark Driscoll: “Hell Is the Wrath of God in Effect”
God Does Not Answer Prayer!
Since we've all been discussing heretics recently, I thought I would rework a post I put up over at sbcIMPACT! I hope when you are done, you will forgive me the title! I would request that you put down your stones for a moment and hear what this heretic is trying to say. I do not believe that I am advocating heresy and I am certainly not recommending that we abandon prayer. The title was provocative, and intentional. I risked the wrath of my readers to make a simple point about prayer, one I feel is important. Actually, if you get a hold on this principle, it might actually be a … [Read more...] about God Does Not Answer Prayer!
Do We Really Believe What We’re Saying? by David Platt
I have to admit a small degree of jealousy of David Platt. I have preached this exact point myself. But somehow, it just sounds more compelling and powerful coming from him. Most of you probably read Provocations and Pantings (you should if you don't) and have already viewed this, but I thought that I would copy this over here for those few of you who have not seen it at Timmy Brister's site. Here, David Platt asks a simple question. With all of the Rob Bell discussion that has gone on, do our actions really validate our belief that those without Christ will spend eternity in hell? Is … [Read more...] about Do We Really Believe What We’re Saying? by David Platt
SBC Pastors Conference: Vance Pitman Responds to the Critics
Since the brouhaha about the 2011 Pastor's Conference hit the blogs, there has been a somewhat surprising silence from Vance Pitman, the president of the PC and the one responsible for the slate of speakers. Associated Baptist Press has an article up in which Pitman responds to some of the criticisms that have been made. There have been three primary criticisms. 1) The inclusion of Jamar Jones as pianist raised theological hackles. He is part of TD Jakes' church. Some have labeled Jakes a modalist. I did some research, though I have to admit that it was not extensive or exhaustive. … [Read more...] about SBC Pastors Conference: Vance Pitman Responds to the Critics
Go Read David Roger’s Post: “The One True Universal Faith” (at sbcIMPACT)
Because I said so! Don't argue with me, y0ung man. As long as you blog on my blog (it's not really mine, I know), you will blog by my rules. Respect your elders! Maybe bossing you around isn't the best approach. But David has written an excellent article at sbcIMPACT on "The One True Universal Faith" dealing with universalism, pluralism, and how Western Christians can obey the Great Commission without reproducing Western culture. Excellent article. Warning though - this is not fast food, it is a juicy steak. I am closing comments here. The comment stream at sbcIMPACT is open. … [Read more...] about Go Read David Roger’s Post: “The One True Universal Faith” (at sbcIMPACT)
If You Haven’t Seen This Tsunami Video Yet
It is stunning. Here's the deal - watch the video for 6:22 seconds and as you do, pray for the people whose lives have been devastated. Pray for Christians and their response. Just pray. … [Read more...] about If You Haven’t Seen This Tsunami Video Yet
Blog Madness 2011: The Last Day is Upon US!
Contrary to those doubters, the final day has come! Wednesday is the last day to nominate your favorite blog to make the tournament Blog Madness will begin later this week, with the 4 regionals and first round voting. Nominate up to 10 blogs. Even if someone else has already nominated them, you tell us who you like. If a blog gets multiple votes it is more likely to find its way into the tournament. I will be home around 11:00 PM Central Time tomorrow night and will close the nomination process and we will get the tournament going. NOMINATE! NOMINATE! NOMINATE! … [Read more...] about Blog Madness 2011: The Last Day is Upon US!
“G.O.S.P.E.L.” An Old Fogey LIKES It!
I had a playful argument with my daughter yesterday about whether is such a thing as Christian rap. It is hard enough for me to go and hear my son's Christian rock band (earplugs help), but I'm an old fogey and rap just ain't my cup o' tea. She reminded me that I was, in fact, a hopelessly old codger who just doesn't get it. Then, I saw this on Timmy Brister's blog today. I was left with one conclusion - I was wrong. This is one of the best presentations of the gospel you are going to hear. G.O.S.P.E.L. from Humble Beast Records on Vimeo. Powerful gospel … [Read more...] about “G.O.S.P.E.L.” An Old Fogey LIKES It!
Blog Madness 2011: You Are the Selection Committee
Blog Madness is back for 2011. Over the next few weeks, while some little basketball tournament is being played, we are going to be holding our own "favorite bloggers" tournament, with a prize for the winner of LESS THAN $1 Million. (Lot's less - mostly just the joy of being selected). This year, the readers of SBC Voices are the selection committee. You have the next few days (until Wednesday night) to nominate your favorite blogs - up to 10 per person. We'll compile the stats and form our brackets. So, tell, who are your favorite BAPTIST blogs (yes, only fully immersed blogs are … [Read more...] about Blog Madness 2011: You Are the Selection Committee
Call Me Stupid: Let’s Find a “Regular Guy” for 2012 Pastor’s Conference President
I had an idea last night that I want to share. Was it a good idea? Well, I guess you good folks will be the judge of that. You may tell met that it is a hare-brained idea. But, I'm going to put it out there anyway. Here it is: let's run a regular guy, a pastor of a normal Baptist church, as the president of the Pastor's Conference for 2012. I have to admit, I'm looking forward to "Aspire," the 2011 SBC Pastor's Conference. There are some speakers I am excited about hearing. I don't share the concerns of some of the regulars here at SBC Voices, but am of the opinion that it will be … [Read more...] about Call Me Stupid: Let’s Find a “Regular Guy” for 2012 Pastor’s Conference President