Registered Messengers- 8095 Voting Messengers - 6847 Bart Barber - 3248. 47.58 % Tom Ascol - 2332 34.06% Frank Cox - 887 12.95% Robin Hadaway - 320 4.97% Our new president is: A runoff … [Read more...] about Presidential Election results…Runoff
The SATF Is Adopted by Overwhelming Majority
After a few overwhelmingly unbelievable comments the report was adopted by a vote of 90%-10% approximately. … [Read more...] about The SATF Is Adopted by Overwhelming Majority
SATF Bringing Two Recommendations
Bruce Frank made a powerful presentation. Then gave the two recommendations. 1. To form an ongoing Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force. It will study the recommendations of the SATF and assist our entities in Implementation of those recommendations. It will serve as a resource to Baptist bodies. It will consult with the Credentials Committee in evaluating and devising a process for dealing with non-complying churches. It will work with EC and Credentials as needed. It will be renewed annually as long as it is needed. 2. To form a "Ministry Check" website - a record of those who … [Read more...] about SATF Bringing Two Recommendations
SBC Voices’ “Trauma-Informed Ministry” Session Schedule Adjustment
The morning session ran long and the afternoon session is only now starting at 2:30. Everything is pushed back an hour. Todd Benkert's session on Trauma Informed Ministry which was scheduled to begin at 7 will now begin immediately after the evening session ends. It is in Platinum Ballroom 4 at the Marriott. … [Read more...] about SBC Voices’ “Trauma-Informed Ministry” Session Schedule Adjustment
Motions Presented
I didn't get some of the names. 1. (****) moved to conduct a forensic audit on NAMB. 2. Mike Haynes moved that salaries of entity leaders be disclosed. Destined to be ruled out of order. 3. Josh??? tried to bring his resolution on plagiarism out of the trash bin. Wow, man. 4. Todd Rush moved the elimination if executive session at the EC. I sympathize but it can't be done. 5. William Hester moved a transparent vetting process for nominations. Not sure what he meant. OoO (Out of Order) 6. Michael??? Moved to change the Constitution to get rid of any church that has a female … [Read more...] about Motions Presented
Upcoming Moments at the SBC
NOTE: The schedule for Tuesday afternoon is pushed back an hour. These are not the most comfortable chairs in history and no one is likely to sit through all of the SBC Annual Meeting. There are reports and worship and messages but this is also a business meeting. Here are some of the key scheduled business sessions. Remember, the time is not set. Right now we are about 15 minutes late. Next session we could be early. Be in the hall 20 to 30 minutes before a session you care about. Tuesday AM 10:10 introduction of new motions 11:20 Credentials Committee report 11:30 … [Read more...] about Upcoming Moments at the SBC
Ted Traylor to Nominate Frank Cox for President
We have known of this for a week. Honestly, I have not idea how this scrambles the election eggs. Interesting development. … [Read more...] about Ted Traylor to Nominate Frank Cox for President
An Appeal to the Messengers – BE ON TIME TUESDAY
Rumors have been swirling in the hall the last couple of days and we never know until it happens if it is real information or just scuttlebutt. One piece of information floating around is that some people are planning to seek to alter the order of business drastically when it is presented. The Committee on Order of Business Report is scheduled for 8:22 AM on Tuesday morning. It could be a few minutes before that. When the report is brought, it only takes a simple majority to amend the report. Once it is adopted, it takes 2/3 to change it, but only a majority when the COB is bringing … [Read more...] about An Appeal to the Messengers – BE ON TIME TUESDAY
Jay’s Motion to Permanently Remove the Recording Secretary’s Position from the EC
It is my intention to offer the following motion Tuesday morning at the 10:10 am time during the Introduction of New Motions. I post it here with some brief commentary in order to express my rationale and purpose for bringing it up. The Text of the Motion Thank you, Mr Chairman. My name is Jay Adkins, messenger from FBC Westwego in Louisiana and I rise to submit the following motion: I move the convention-elected office of Recording Secretary be permanently removed from holding a seat as a member on the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention by striking “…and the … [Read more...] about Jay’s Motion to Permanently Remove the Recording Secretary’s Position from the EC
Results of the PC Presidential Election
They have finally announced the results of the ballot vote taken to decide the presidency of the 2023 Pastors Conference. Voddie Baucham - 608 44% Daniel Dickard - 690 50% + The president of the 2023 SBC Pastors Conference is...DAN DICKARD!!! Congratulations Dan. From a former president to the new president, I am available anytime you need for anything you need. This old codger is here to help you! … [Read more...] about Results of the PC Presidential Election