Since I began blogging in 2006, the voices of SBC bloggers have changed quite a bit. Some faded away, others became stronger. With the addition of SBCVoices, many have been added and more are entering the world of Blogland all the time. That is a good thing for the most part. Folks are getting connected. They are learning about various things within the community of pastors, seminaries, and entities. However, there is a tenuous thread attached to the cyber-optic internet connection, too. Some of the older bloggers (not chronologically by age, but having been blogging early on), … [Read more...] about Getting Familiar with SBC Blogging
Why I Believe In The SBC
After penning this title I am sorely tempted to quote (out of context, of course) CS Lewis: “I believe in [the SBC] like I believe in the sun. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” Now, that quote is typically attributed to Lewis and more directly answers the question, ‘Why do you believe in Jesus?’ or ‘Why are you a Christian?’ So, to apply that to the reason I can assuredly say today that I believe in the Southern Baptist Convention is a monumental statement of hyperbole. Nevertheless, I am quite happy to be a Southern Baptist and a Southern Baptist … [Read more...] about Why I Believe In The SBC
Eschatology In the SBC
My time at Southern Seminary opened my eyes to a lot of theological issues. Eschatology is certainly one of those issues. When I arrived, The Left Behind Series was all I knew. I soon realized I had been trapped in a theological vacuous church. I began to study Eschatology and I came to a very different conclusion than the one I had been raised in. Most of the professors at Boyce College, that I am aware of, hold to a post-tribulation, Historic Premillennial view of Eschatology. Yet, a lot of the students I spoke to were going in a different direction. Although there were a fair share … [Read more...] about Eschatology In the SBC
Profile of the Lukewarm
Hopefully, a lot of you are aware of Francis Chan. In his latest book, Crazy Love, he has a chapter on being lukewarm. The book is a great 'coming out' book for Chan. This is his first published book and I think he did very well! I suggest all of you to pick it up and read it! Here is a taste of his chapter 'Profile of the Lukewarm.' Profile of the lukewarm: 1) Lukewarm people attend church fairly regularly either because it’s expected of them or because they like the people there. It’s what “good Christians” do. 2) Lukewarm people give money and time to the church as long as it … [Read more...] about Profile of the Lukewarm
Which Churches Are Examples of the Great Commission Resurgence?
Update: They have just created a website for it, complete with a declaration and a place for you to sign it. Here's the link - Great Commission Resurgence. After reading over and thinking through Danny Akin's call for a Great Commission Resurgence, I began to ask which local churches were doing this kind of ministry. In your opinion, which churches best model the kind of vision called for by the Great Commission Resurgence? … [Read more...] about Which Churches Are Examples of the Great Commission Resurgence?
“We Are Out To Change The World”
That was the theme of matriculation when my husband enrolled at Boyce Bible School (College today), in 1979. We were so excited. We sold our home, the majority of our belongings, said good-bye to family, packed up our children, and caravaned with another couple from East Hartford, Connecticut to Louisville, Kentucky. We had no solid revelation as to what the Lord was calling us to do, but we knew He wanted my husband to surrender to full-time (or part-time) ministry. We'd envisioned going back to New England to pastor. Instead, God kept us in full-time ministry in Kentucky for 23 years. … [Read more...] about “We Are Out To Change The World”
KBC Pictures an Unsteady Future for the Convention At-Large
On April 21 the Courier-Journal, based out of Louisville, KY, ran this article concerning the state of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. It is hard to tell if the findings are truly representative of all SBC state conventions, or the SBC as a whole, but the numbers quoted by the article are enough to deserve attention at least locally in the state housing our largest Southern Baptist seminary. Here's a quick run-down from the 2008 profile: Total undesignated giving and discipleship training were both up 3% over 2007 numbers Annual baptisms in the KBC were up 2% from 2007 … [Read more...] about KBC Pictures an Unsteady Future for the Convention At-Large
Another Way To Promote Your Christian Blog
Now that Matt has taken over making SBC voices awesome (seriously when I saw the new contributors I nearly flipped for joy), I have a few extra minutes a day to work on my other websites. One of the most promising is My Christian Blogs. It's like an All-Top for blogs with a Christian worldview. Now you help me and get some extra exposure for your blog. Here's the link - My Christian Blogs "Friends" Program … [Read more...] about Another Way To Promote Your Christian Blog
Matt Svoboda Named New Editor Of SBC Voices
After days of intense negotiation, I have designated Matt Svoboda as the new Editor of SBC Voices. Matt is the founder of the Evangelical Village blog and been a regular contributor to SBC Voices. I will continue as technical administrator and contributor, but Matt will be in charge of daily operations. I am excited about his plans and confident he can take our site to the next level. More details coming soon. … [Read more...] about Matt Svoboda Named New Editor Of SBC Voices
Yes, I’m Giving Away $400 Books
Just when you think peace has returned to Kummeropolis. I'm celebrating the one month mark of Devotional Christian by seriously paying it forward. So, if you hate books and are opposed to quiet times - just ignore this post. … [Read more...] about Yes, I’m Giving Away $400 Books